- cold desert soil 寒漠土
- Of land gross area nearly 20% it is the country with sandiness desert, desert, cold desert, permanent firn, glacier and bare rock, cannot use. 国土总面积的近20%25是沙质荒漠、戈壁、寒漠、永久积雪、冰川及岩石裸露的山地等,无法利用。
- Elsewhere, trees must send taproots deep into the hard baked desert soil to draw on underground water. 其它地方树木的主根必须深入受炙烤而坚硬的沙漠底部的土壤以吸取地下水。
- Deep beneath this massive caldera is a network of magma streams and geothermal vents that power the city and provide sweltering warmth during the cold desert nights. 在巨大的火山口之下是一个由岩浆以及地热口所组成的动力网络,提供这个城市能源以及热源抵御当地寒冷的夜晚。
- The fixation of phosphorus in gray desert soil is seriously affected by the high content of CaCO3, salinization and alkalization. 对阜康地区灰漠土进行的磷吸附和解吸附实验表明,单施化肥,土壤对磷的吸附会随着施加量的增加而增加。
- To study the water-holding capacities of desert soil and the soil amended with coal ash and sewage sludge, experiments were designed to simulate rainfall and natural evaporation. 通过模拟降雨及降雨后自然条件下的土壤表面水分蒸发,研究了粉煤灰和城市污泥配施对荒漠土壤持水性能的影响。
- The proper amount of N, P2O5 and K2O applying on the Grey Desert Soil is N = 191.07kg/ hm2, P2O5 = 120.00kg/hm2, K2O = 45.27kg/hm2.lt shall obtain the highest yield. 在本试验条件下;北疆灰漠土棉区获得棉花高产的适宜氮磷钾用量为N=191.;07kg/hm~2;P_2O_5=120
- Forest, prairie and grassland, irrigated field have higher daily evaporation, while cold desert, Gobi and droughty riverside land have low daily evaporation, some of which reach to 0. 植被条件差的寒漠、戈壁、干旱河滩地日蒸散低,其中大部分区域蒸散发量为零或接近零。
- The engineering practice proves that after the foundation is consolidated by mortar pouring into pipe, pipe-jacking course is about the same as that in the original gobi desert soil without groundwater, and the desired result is achieved. 实践证明,基础经小导管注浆加固处理后,其顶进过程与原状、地下水戈壁土的基本相同,达到了预期的目的。
- It was also confirmed that the corn yield in aeolian sandy soil was a little lower than that in irrigated desert soil even though the N application rate was raised by 127.5 kg/hm~2. 灌漠土与风沙土两个试验点比较;风沙土试验点不但施氮量比灌漠土高出127.;5 kg/hm2;而且其产量还略低于灌漠土试验点。
- The results of 12-year located fertilization in grey desert soil of Xinjiang showed that treatments of N, NP, NK, NPK could improve the grain quality in some indexes compared with CK. 摘要新疆灰摸土不同施肥制度的12年长期定位试验结果表明,N、NP、NK、NPK处理小麦某些品质指标较CK有不同程度的改善;
- To study the water " holding capacities of desert soil and the soil improved with coal ash and sewage sludge, experiments were designed to simulate rainfall and natural evaporation. 摘要本文通过模拟降雨及降雨后自然条件下的土壤表面水分蒸发,研究了粉煤灰和城市污泥改良荒漠土壤对持水性能的影响。
- A combination of low rainfall and different average temperatures creates tropical, temperate, and cold deserts. 低降雨量和不同的平均温度的组合产生热带、温带、寒带漠土。
- Soil total P decreased linearly with time for gray desert soil, paddy soil and fluvo-aquic soil, but did not change significantly for other soils. 在试验进行5年左右,土壤全磷含量都有所降低,以后各点表现不尽相同,新疆灰漠土、长沙水稻土和郑州潮土全磷含量随时间延长呈显著直线下降,其它试验点全磷的变化不明显;
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Red desert soil A type of coarse soil rich in salts and lime but poor in humus , formed in hot deserts. 红漠土:一种粗糙的富含盐类、石灰,但缺少腐殖质的土壤,多在热带沙漠中形成。
- The remaining surfaces of arid lands are composed of exposed bedrock outcrops, desert soils, and fluvial deposits including alluvial fans, playas, desert lakes, and oases. 其余干旱陆地表面由裸露的岩层、沙漠土、河流沉积物包括冲积扇面、洼地、沙漠中的湖泊、和沙海组成。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- Differences in average annual precipitation and temperature lead to the formation of tropical, temperate, and cold deserts, grasslands, forests, and largely determine their locations . 在平均每年降雨雪量和温度上的区别导致热带、温带和冷沙漠、草原、森林的形成,主要确定他们的所在位置。