- The influece of calcination temperature upon surface property of HZSM5 zeolite, aromatization reaction of nhexane and its coking property have been studied. 研究了焙烧温度对HZSM-5分子筛表面性质,正己烷芳构化反应及结焦性能的影响。
- The deterioration mechanism of the tuyere coke and the relationship between the tuyere coke property and the BF operation were discussed. 探讨了风口焦炭劣化机理,风口焦炭性状与高炉操作的关系。
- Primary study on coking property of Huaibei coal 淮北煤的炼焦特性初步研究
- Pakistan's coal ,because of its high content of volatile matter and non - coking properties ,is to be carbonized in a low temperature carbonization plant . 由于含有大量挥发物及具有非焦化性,巴基斯坦的煤需要在低温碳化装置中加以碳化。
- Pakistan 's coal, because of its high content of volatile matter and non - coking properties, is to be carbonized in a low temperature carbonization plant. 由于含有大量挥发物及具有非焦化性,巴基斯坦的煤需要在低温碳化装置中加以碳化。
- Pakistan 's coal , because of its high content of volatile matter and non - coking properties , is to be carbonized in a low temperature carbonization plant. 由于含有大量挥发物及具有非焦化性,巴基斯坦的煤需要在低温碳化装置中加以碳化。
- Pakistan 's coal , because of its high content of volatile matter and non - coking properties , is to be carbonized in a low temperature carbonization plant . 由于含有大量挥发物及具有非焦化性,巴基斯坦的煤需要在低温碳化装置中加以碳化。
- The ranks and the ratico of reative and inactive maerals are generally considered asmajor factors which eftect on the caking and coking properties of coal. 一般认为,煤中的活性组分与情性组分的比例和煤级是影响煤的粘结性和结焦性的主要因素。
- The coking properties of hydrocracked residue from Tuozili Area in Liaohe Oil Field being taken as feed stock of delayed coking were studied on a small experiment equipment. 在小型焦化装置上,研究了辽河坨子里渣油加氢残渣的焦化性能和产物分布规律,以及加氢试验条件对焦化产物分布的影响。
- The influence of the ZBS on coke properties such as CRI, CSR was studied and the main results are as follows . 通过系列实验,探讨了ZBS与焦炭的作用机理,重点研究了其对焦炭反应性、反应后强度的影响。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- The research on the coking property of cleaned coal of Wangfenggang 淮南望峰岗精煤结焦特性研究
- Abstract The coking properties of Daqing coking gas oil over commercial equilibrium catalyst RGD-1 were investigated in a confined fluidized bed reactor and pilot test riser FCC unit. 摘要 利用催化裂化工业平衡催化剂RGD-1,在提升管催化裂化中试装置和小型固定流化床实验装置上研究了大庆焦化蜡油催化裂化反应过程的生焦特性。
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。
- Investigation of Coking Property by Datong Coal Field Blending Coal 大同煤田双系煤种焦化性质的探讨
- She has a right to the property. 他享有这比财产权所有权。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- I bought a cup of coke and some popcorn. 我买一杯可口可乐和一些爆米花。
- First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone. 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。