- Methods 18F-FDG molecular coincidence detection(MCD) SPECT imaging, fuse imaging, and examine CEA,CA242. 方法采用18F-脱氧葡萄糖双探头符合线路显像,同机图像融合,检测CEA、CA242。
- Positron Emission Tomography consists of two types, the dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and the dual-head coincidence detection imaging (DHC). 正电子成像分为两种类型:专用型正电子发射断层成像(PET)及双探头符合探测成像(DHC)。
- Tomography with coincidence circuit is composed of variable-angle dual and/or triple-head SPECT system, coincidence detection circuit and attenuation correction (AC). 摘要符合线路断层显像主要由可变角双探头SPECT系统、符合探测线路和衰减校正等组成。
- Coincidence detection is a general neural mechanism which plays a role in binaural hearing and, possibly, in intensity coding and pitch extraction as well. 4.;同时侦测是寻常的神经机制,它们在双耳听觉、强度编码与音高选取中扮演着举足轻重的角色。
- In the paper,it studies the latest development of the equipment of nuclear medical imaging,especially on the SPECT with the function of coincidence detection,including its advantage and disadvantage. 本文就核医学影像设备的进展进行论述,特别就带有符合探测功能的SPECT进行了探讨,包括其优缺点。
- Least Voltage Coincidence Detection 最小电压重合检测
- phase coincidence detection technology 相位重合检测技术
- Molecular coincidence detection SPECT imaging 符合线路显像
- annihilation coincidence detection 湮没(辐射)符合探测
- That was a really creepy coincidence. 那样的巧合实在太离奇了。
- By coincidence, we arrived here at the same time. 我们凑巧一同到达这儿。
- Partial Volume Effects of Cold Lesion in Dual-head Coincidence Detection Images 双探头符合图像中冷灶的部分容积效应
- Keywords Micro-PET;vivo scan;coincidence Detection;LSO scintillator; 活体扫描;符合探测;LSO晶体;
- Hello there, what a coincidence! 你好,真巧啊!
- If it isn't my old friend Bob Thomson what a coincidence! 这不是我的老朋友鲍勃·汤姆森吗--真巧哇!
- That's the most incredible coincidence I've ever heard of! 那是我听说过的最难以置信的巧合!
- Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own? 他的意见与你自己的意见有没有一致之处?
- It was a coincidence that he was born on his mother's birthday. 他在他母亲生日那天出生,真是巧事。
- The design of the frequency measurement systems by broad-band phase coincidence detection based on FPGA 基于FPGA的相检宽带测频系统的设计
- New Generation Coincidence Detection Multi-Function Gamma Camera of SIEMENS Firstly Installed in China 西门子医疗系统集团新一代符合线路多功能伽玛像机在中国首台装机