- I was angry with his languid movements. 我被他那懒洋洋的动作激怒了。
- She made a sequence of dance movements. 她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。
- cogwheel movements 齿轮样运动
- Her fluent movements surprised us. 她那协调优美的动作让我们惊奇。
- The police have been observing his movements. 警方一直监视着他的一举一动。
- Characterized by fitful, jerky movements. 跳跃的,跳动的:具有一阵阵的跳动的特征的
- All these movements were suppressed by the warlord government. 所有这些运动都受到军阀政府的镇压。
- The scout reported the enemy truck movements. 侦察员报告有关敌人卡车活动的情况。
- The cat followed the mouse's movements carefully. 那只猫紧盯著老鼠的动向。
- Poverty has spawned numerous religious movements. 贫困曾经引发了许多宗教运动。
- The tall grass screened the enemy's movements. 草丛隐蔽了敌人的活动。
- Wearing the heavy coat embarrassed his movements. 穿著厚大衣妨碍了他的行动。
- A small cogwheel that engages or is engaged by a larger cogwheel or a rack. 小齿轮,齿杆啮合大齿轮或被大齿轮或齿条啮合的小齿轮
- A slow theme introduces the first movement. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。
- One cogwheel engages with the next. 齿轮一个个啮合在一起。
- Earth movements in the past elevated great area of the seabed. 地球过去的运动使海底大片地区隆起。
- The cogwheel later became a laurel6 wreath. 嵌齿轮后来变为了一个桂冠。
- Do you have a bowel movement today? 你今天上过厕所吗?
- The cogwheel later became a laure wreath. 这个嵌齿轮后来成为一个桂冠。
- They are making a furtive movement. 他们正做一项诡秘的行动。