- Theoretical Power of Cognitive View on Metaphor 论认知隐喻观的理论阐释力
- cognitive view on metaphor 认知隐喻观
- He took a mournful view on human affairs. 他对人世持悲观的态度。
- His view on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。
- A Cognitive View on the Meaning of Possessive Pronouns 从认知角度看物主代词的语义
- I incline to his view on the matter. 我赞同他对这个问题的观点。
- He challenged my view on that matter. 他就我对那件事的看法提出异议。
- They have expanded my view on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。
- May I ask for your views on a few questions? 我能否请你谈谈对几个问题的看法?
- Since Aristotle, more research has been done on metaphor than on irony. 自亚里斯多德以来,比之对隐喻的研究,人们对反语的研究很少。
- I don't hold with his views on education. 我不同意他在教育问题上的观点。
- He has rather indefinite views on the question. 他对该问题的看法颇暧昧。
- Abstract: The cognitive view affects the mode and result of enterprise IRM. 摘要: 认知视角影响着企业信息资源工作的方式和绩效;
- It is Lakoff and Johnson with their influential Conceptual Metaphor theory that reinforce the trend of cognitive study on metaphor. Lakoff和Johnson的“概念隐喻理论”从认知的角度拓宽了隐喻的研究范围。
- Her views on this chimed with mine. 她对这个问题的看法与我一致。
- Abstract: The latest theory on metaphor assumes that metaphor cannot be only considered as intralinguistic rhetorical device but a cognitive process. 摘 要: 最新的隐喻理论认为,隐喻应和人的认识过程相联系,而不只是语言内部的修辞手段。
- His views on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。
- The latest theory on metaphor assumes that metaphor cannot be only considered as intralinguistic rhetorical device but a cognitive process. 最新的隐喻理论认为,隐喻应和人的认识过程相联系,而不只是语言内部的修辞手段。
- They have opposite views on the question. 在这个问题上他们持相反的观点。
- Their views on the issue are materially different. 他们对这个问题的看法明显不同。