- Linguistics is an important branch in cognitive science. 语言学是认知科学的一个重要分支。
- The function of cognitive science can explain the process of information. 认知的功能能够解释人的信息加工过程。
- To emulate human looks and behavior successfully, Ishiguro yokes robotics with cognitive science. 为了成功模仿人类的外貌与行为,石黑浩把认知科学融入机器人学。
- The links below are online references for additional resources in the fields of probability and causality in human cognitive science. 下面的连结是有关人类认知科学中机率论和因果关系领域的额外线上参考资料。
- Paul has a graduate degree in Cognitive Science and has spent the last six years developing Web applications. Paul获得了认知科学研究生学位,在过去的六年里他一直从事Web应用程序的开发。
- WordNet - a Lexical Database for English Developed by Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University. 著名的词网由美国普林斯顿大学认知科学实验室研制,可进行多种方式的英文词语检索。
- Traditional CAI,restricted by the development of the cognitive science and education,has many shortcomings. 传统的计算机辅助教学受到计算机认知学与教育学发展的制约,存在着诸多不足。
- The goal of this course is to prepare you for conducting and critiquing research in cognitive science. 课程目标是帮助你执行、评判认知科学的研究。
- Prerequisites: A course in cognitive science, and a course in probability or statistics. 必备先修:认知科学中的一门课程,以及概率论或统计学中的一门课程。
- In the framework of cognitive science, pragma-cognition is a sub-module of mind-reading modules. 在认知科学理论框架下,语用认知是心智阅读模块下的子模块。
- Dr.Mitra works in the areas of Cognitive Science, Information Science and Educational Technology. Mitra博士的主要研究领域在认知科学,信息科学和教育技术。
- Give students an understanding of, and expertise in, communication, computer science, cognitive science and the psychology of communication. 给学生一些见解,而且专门在传播学、计算机、认知科学和传播心理学领域。
- He holds a dual Ph.D. In Cognitive Science and Computer Science from Indiana University and a B.A. In Philosophy from the University of Virginia. 他拥有印第安那大学认知科学和电脑科学双博士学位,佛吉尼亚大学的哲学学士学位。
- Foundalis, H. "Evolution of gender in Indo-European languages." Proceedings of the 24th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2002. 印欧语性别的进化〉。《认知科学学会第二十四届年会会议公报》(2002)。
- Fauconnier. G. &Turner. M. Conceptual Projection and Middle Spaces [ A ]. UCSD Cognitive Science Technical Reporter 9401, 1994. 束定芳.;隐喻学研究[M]
- Topics include: perception, attention, working memory, recognition and recall, language, and other issues in cognitive science. 主题包括:感知、注意、工作记忆、认知和回忆、语言,和其他认知科学的主题。
- The Cognitive Science Society has the latest news and information on conferences, funding, and employment, along with a host of related conferences. 认知科学学会提供会议,基金和工作的最新新闻和资讯,并附带许多相关会议。
- Pattern recognition is studied in many fields, including [[psychology]], [[ethology]], [[cognitive science]] and [[computer science]]. 模式识别在诸如心理学、动物行为学、[[认识科学]]以及[[计算机科学]]等领域都有泛及。
- The present work attempts to apply recent theories from linguistics, cognitive science and pragmatics in particular, to study indirect speech acts. 本文试图运用现代语言学,特别是语言学中的认知学和语用学,对间接言语行为进行研究。
- KEY WORDS: DNA, intelligent system, universal intelligence, intelligent gene( IG), theory of independent intelligent gene, philosophy, cognitive science. 关键词:DNA,智力系统,万有智力,智因,智因自主设计论,哲学,认知科学。