- From your research on Cognitive Modeling Cognitive Simulation and Computer Mindtools can you please describe how the brain and technology are related? 基于对认知建模、认知模拟以及计算机智力工具的研究请您描述一下人脑和技术是如何关联的?
- As an innate factor in the cognitive model of literature history, literariness also shows arrangement of plots. “文学性”作为文学史认知模式深层结构中的固有因素,还表现在文学史叙事的情节安排中。
- Crick and Dodge抯 cognitive model of social decision-making is introduced. 发现就个人-社会决策活动而言,情绪过程具有核心作用。
- A virtual human is regarded as an agent with built-in cognitive model that integrates emotion model and cognitive process together. 可以将虚拟人视为一个智能主体,将虚拟人的情绪表现模型和认知活动结合起来。
- It is shown by the simulation example that with help of the cognitive model, intelligent life is capable of handling some nondeterministic events. 仿真结果表明,利用认知模型,智能生命可以较好地处理某些随机事件。
- The framework of C4ISR is divided into observing, information fusion, command, and communication by using extended CECA cognitive model. 扩展CECA指控认知模型将C4ISR系统的指控分解成观测、信息处理、指挥处理和通信,并将C2组织看作耦合的信息和指挥网络。
- The dominant effect of visual system determines the cognitive model of visual preference,the root of imagic thinking mainly characterized by visual imagery. 由于视觉系统的强势作用,形成了认知模式的视觉偏爱,决定了以视觉表象为主要特征的思维的具象性。
- Finally, a pragmatic and cognitive model of anaphoric repair is advanced for a comprehensive and synthetic interpretation of repairs of pronominal forms. 为了对此类照应修正现象提供一个更加充分的、综合性的解释,论文最终提出了一个“照应修正的语用认知模型”。
- From the perspective of class nature and politicization, Qu Qiubai tentatively established the revolutionary discourse paradigm of cognitive model on May 4th Movement. 从文艺的阶级性和政治化视角出发,瞿秋白初步确立了“五四”认知模式中的革命话语范式。
- The present paper explains, within the cognitive model reflecting human basic characteristics, the mechanism and the operation of metaphorization, including the similarity of... 本文在具有三性特征的认知模式中,解释隐喻的相似性、系统性、多重性、语境性、整合性的机制及其操作。
- The five human error types can be used as primitives and combined with cognitive model in order to identify the human error modes at various cognitive modules. 以此作为人为差错原语,结合认知模型,分析了不同认知阶段可能出现的人为差错模式。
- Focusing on the selection process of shoal behavior animation (strategy, goal and plan), and using the cognitive modeling approach on behavior selection, a new method to build a cognitive model of artificial fish in fish shoal animation is presented. 摘要针对鱼群动画中人工鱼的行为选择(策略、目标、规划)过程,基于认知建模方法,提出一种建立人工鱼认知角色模型的新方法。
- The cognitive models and gestalt principles can also help us in knowing of Chinese words color including of its derivation and its division. 认知语言学的认知模式、完形原则可以帮助我们理解汉语词色彩义的生成和划分。
- After investigating the Chinese writing history, we can find out that antithesis is not just a kind of rhetorical means in the traditional sense, but also a kind of significantly cognitive model of Chinese writing. 隐喻的研究,已经从一种修辞手段的研究转化为认识世界和语言发生变化的重大课题和焦点课题。
- The innovative idea is produced and developed by individual cognitive model with stimulates which complement and adjust individual cognitive model though assimilation, accommodation and ignore. 企业技术创新构思的产生和发展是个人凭借其认知模式对外来刺激经过同化、顺应和忽略机制对认知模式进行补充、调整和改变的结果。 在这个过程中,个人的认知活动要受企业组织认知模式的影响和支配。
- A long term goal of HCI is to design systems that minimize the barrier between the human's cognitive model of what they want to accomplish and the computer's understanding of the user's task. HCI的长期目标是设计最小化屏障的系统,在人们想实现东西的人类认知模型和计算机理解的用户任务之间的屏障。
- Rosenbaum ,E.,Culture,Cognitive Models ,and the Performanceof Institutions in Transformation Countries [J].Journal of Economic Issues,2001,(35):889-910. 青木昌彦。比较制度分析[M].;上海:上海远东出版社,2004年版,第11到12页。
- There are three theoretical models on the prevention of eating disorders:non-specific vulnerability-stressor model,social cognitive model,and critical social perspectives model. 目前关于进食障碍预防理论模型主要有三种:非特异性易感压力模型、社会认知模型和批判性社会观点模型。
- There are three theoretical models on the prevention of eating disorders: nonspecific vulnerability-stressor model, social cognitive model, and critical social perspectives model. 目前关于进食障碍预防理论模型主要有三种:非特异性易感压力模型、社会认知模型和批判性社会观点模型。
- In cognitive models of borderline personality disorder (BPD) the role of underlying maladaptive assumptions for the development and especially the maintenance of the disorder is emphasized. 摘要近年来,关于人格障碍的认知特点的研究越来越引起重视。