- Relevance Theory holds that human communication depends on the mutual-ostensive cognitive environment. 摘要关联理论认为人类语言交际的成功依赖于交际双方互相显映的认知语境。
- Mutual manifestness will occur at three levels, namely, the cognitive environment, the intention, and the context. 本文的研究及相应的实践表明:阅读中不同的理解过程,包括生词的识别;
- This essay is focused on the following basic concepts of RT: cognitive environment, mutual manifestness, relevance, ostension and intention. 本文着重讨论其中的几个基本概念:认知语境、互明、关联、明示及意图以及它们之间的关系。
- The cognitive environment, which is mainly affected by linguistic, contextual, cultural and philosophical factors, focuses on cognitive environment and mutual manifestness. 认知环境,受到语言、语境、文化及哲学背景等因素的影响,主要关注认知环境和相互明示的推理。
- After assessing and evaluating the audience"s cognitive environment and cognitive ability, the communicator conveys her communicative intention through utterance. 交际者评估听众的认知环境和认知能力之后,以话语形式表达自己的交际意图。
- Based on these two theories, the thesis holds that a better understanding of discourse coherence is based on the contextual effects gained in the cognitive environment of the addressee. 基于这两种理论,本文认为,对语篇连贯的理解依赖于接受者在认知环境中所获得的语境效果。
- The RT argues that the cognitive environment of the addressee plays a vital role in understanding utterance in communication, and it consists of three kinds of information, namely, logical, encyclopaedic and lexical information. 关联理论还指出在语言交际中,对话语理解起主要作用的是构成听话人认知环境的一系列假设,一个人的认知环境由三种信息组成,即逻辑信息、百科信息和词语信息。
- cognitive environments 认知环境
- Somehow, Taylor is not cramped by his environments. 不知为什么泰勒没受环境束缚。
- Our soul possesses two cognitive powers. 我们的灵魂具有两种认知力量。
- Businesses operate in a number of environments. 商业的环境错综复杂。
- They were not tested in hostile environments. 它们不是在恶劣的环境下进行试验的。
- Language unit and cognitive environment in the information processing 语言单位和认知语境在信息处理中的作用
- In what environments is it being used? 这个设备通常在何种环境下被使用?
- Lower level of cognitive process. 低层次认知过程。
- Have a lower rate of cognitive loss. 丧失认知力的机率降低。
- Environments may change as a result. 环境也将因此而改变。
- This is cognitive therapy at work. 这是认知治疗工作。
- The effect of cities to environments. 产生问题
- The theory of cognitive structure and P.E. 认知结构理论与体育教学。