- Appropriately accommodate and stimulate cognition and emotion 适当顺应、调动认知与情感
- A speech delivered with energy and emotion. 一个充满力量及激情的演说
- Be careful with humor and emotion. 谨慎表达幽默和情感。
- In fact, sensation and emotion had left him. 事实上,知觉与情感早已从他身上消失了。
- Personal idea and emotion are always enslaved. 个人的观念和情感总是被奴役的。
- This approach is fueled by mood and emotion. 这种作法遭到情感和感情的协助。
- How does estrogen therapy affect a woman's cognition and mood? 雌激素治疗是如何影响女性的认知和情绪的?
- Different parts of anterior cingulate gyrus are correlated with cognitive and emotional aspects of pain. 扣带回的不同部分调节着痛觉认知和情感的不同方面。
- It furthers people"s cognition and strengthens people"s ability. 它提高了人的认识,增强了人的能力。
- The results tell us that the science-and-engineering students have motivational,cognitive and emotional barriers in English learning. 调查结果告诉我们,理工科学生在英语学习中存在着动机、认知和情感方面的障碍。
- A Chinese wall of the mind and emotions separates us from the film. 难以逾越的意向与感情上的障碍使我们与这部影片格格不入。
- Emphasizing Humanism and Emotion in the Teaching of P.E. 体育教学中应加强人文精神与情感教育。
- These conditions verify their recognition and emotion about ROC. 种种情况证明了他们对我国的认知和情感。
- The atmosphere in the room was charged with tension and emotion. 房间里充满了紧张激动的气氛。
- R.J. Dolan, “Emotion, Cognition and Behavior, ” Science, Vol. 298, no.8, pp.1191-1194, 2002. 林宇中,基于语意内容分析之情绪分类系统,国立成功大学资讯工程研究所,硕士论文,2003。
- Thus, in place of what we might call desire, the authors believe that elegance (in the sense of gracefulness) means that the user is stimulated and supported both cognitively and emotionally in whatever context she is in. 较之渴求,笔者认为优雅(优美的感受)意味着在任何情况下适当地顺应,调动用户的认知与情感。
- Its universal meanings are heat, blood, danger and emotion. 它最普遍的意思是灼热、鲜血、危险和感情。
- cognition and emotion 直观
- Your letter should hold together in mood and emotion as well as in substance. 你的信在语气、感情以至内容上都要融为一体。
- Neuroactive steroids have important actions in the prelimbic cortex, which is related to many higher-order brain functions, such as emotion, cognition and psychological disorders. 神经活性活性甾体激素在前额叶皮层具有重要作用,与情绪、认知等高级脑功能活动及精神疾病有密切关系。