- coffee qualified with cognac 掺了白兰地的咖啡
- He qualified his coffee with cognac. 他在咖啡里加白兰地改变其香味。
- Local variables must always be qualified with the function name. 局部变量必须始终与函数名一起检验。
- Argument, then table names do not need to be qualified with a database name. 参数指定一个数据库,则无需用数据库名限定表名。
- This optional collection of string values represents one or more partial names qualified with xml:lang attributes. 这是一个可选的字符串值的聚集,用于表示了一个或多个部分的或完整的名称,如果是出现多个名称的话,每一个都应当使用xml:lang修饰。
- He is qualify with a eligible chirurgery doctor. 他是一个合格的外科医生。
- black coffee with cognac and lemon peel and sugar. 掺法国白兰地、柠檬皮和糖的黑咖啡。
- I think I'm qualified with this job and the record of previous performance can prove it. 我觉得我有资格担任这份工作,而且我在这个领域里的记录可以证明这一点。
- black coffee with cognac and lemon peel and sugar 掺法国白兰地、柠檬皮和糖的黑咖啡
- Any reference to columns in the table being modified must be qualified with the INSERTED or DELETED prefix. 对修改的表中的列的任何引用都必须使用INSERTED或DELETED前缀限定。
- References to an object in one level must be qualified with the types and names of all higher level objects. 引用某个级别中的对象必须用所有更高级别对象的类型和名称进行限制。
- Our corporate training teachers are highly qualified with extensive, successful business backgrounds. 从事企业培训的外籍教师都具有丰富的培训经验和商务背景。
- Would you like a cognac with your coffee? 你想在咖啡之外再来一杯科尼亚克白兰地酒吗?
- But in domestic Brandy of law, give birth to a child especially with Cognac area be most graceful , being produced by Yawen capital (the Yaman alunite blames) area secondly. 而在法国产的白兰地中,尤以干邑地区生产的最为优美,其次为雅文邑(亚曼涅克)地区所产。
- I drink black coffee while he prefer it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。
- We are the first one who qualified with the EMC certification, several European grand OEM brands have been launching into the market. 我们首家已通过欧洲EMC认证,欧洲几个OEM大品牌正全面起动。
- His statement was too general and should have been qualified with phrase "in most cases". 他的话太笼统, 本应加上“在大多数情况下”加以限制。
- I'm afraid I can't drink coffee with milk in. 我不能喝搀牛奶的咖啡。
- I'll percolate some coffee for you. 我给你滤煮一些咖啡。
- I'd like some coffee with a lace of brandy. 我想喝一点加少量白兰地的咖啡。