- The abuse of coercive measures leads to the misuse of the term. “强制措施”的滥用,造成了犯罪嫌疑人身份的错用。
- Individual to transfer the masses to take coercive measures. 个别不愿转移的群众采取强制措施。
- Apprenhension is the most severe coercive measures in criminal prosecuion. 摘要 逮捕是刑事诉讼中最严厉的强制措施。
- As to protect the environment coercive measures are morereliable than companies' self restraints. 至于环境保护,强制性法律措施比公司监管和自我约束要可靠得多。
- Deadline processing is coercive measures of a kind of administration is not disciplinary sanction. 限期治理是一种行政强制措施而不是行政处分。
- A contract, impossible to be carried out by coercive measures, has to be terminated when a party refuses to fulfill its obligatoins. 摘要无法通过强制实际履行的合同,一旦出现一方拒绝履行的情况,其解除在所难免。
- The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of coercive measures for psychiatric patients as narrated by the psychiatric nurses. 故本研究目的在探讨精神卫生护理人员于强制处置的主观经验。
- All attempts to use administrative orders or coercive measures to settle ideological questions or questions of right and wrong are not only ineffective but harmful. 企图用行政命令的方法,用强制的方法解决思想问题,是非问题,不但没有效力,而且是有害的。
- We can take measures such as make sure the case information , investigate bidders' company and other bidders, take coercive measures to suspects to solve the case. 可采用核实报案材料真伪、调查访问投标单位和其他投标人、对犯罪嫌疑人采取强制措施等途径予以侦破。
- August 13, the Department of Treaty and Law Department of Commerce inspector (now secretary) Guo Jing-yi on suspicion of taking bribes was "double", followed by coercive measures. 中英文对照:8月13日,商务部条法司巡视员(正司级)郭京毅因涉嫌受贿被“双规”,之后被采取强制措施。
- But different views make people understand public security administrative coercive measures more difficult, and the discussion to the relevant problem awaits to deepen too. 但是,各种观点的出现也为人们理解公安行政强制措施带来了困难,对相关问题的讨论也有待于深入。
- According to criminal lawsuit , the criminal suspect here should be confined to the one who has been taken coercive measures by the preliminary investigation . 依照刑事诉讼法的规定,这里的“犯罪嫌疑人”应限定为经侦查机关采取特定刑事强制措施的人。
- Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of coercive measures for psychiatric patients as narrated by the public health nurses. 因此,本研究目的是欲探索公共卫生护士参与精神病患强制处置的遭遇与因应历程。
- Therefore, in order to prevent the abuse of criminal coercive measures, and to protect the right of criminal suspects, compulsory investigation has been produced. 因此,为了防止刑事强制措施的滥用、保护犯罪嫌疑人的各项权利,强制侦查法定主义便应运而生。
- Peaceful means, rather than coercive measures, should be sought to settle disputes, such as mediation, good offices and negotiation. Double standards and military interference under the name of the UN should be rejected. 应坚持以斡旋、调解、谈判等和平手段解决争端,不应动辄采取强制行动,不能实行双重标准,不能借联合国之名进行军事干涉;
- Peaceful means,rather than coercive measures,should be sought to settle disputes,such as mediation,good offices and negotiation. Double standards and military interference under the name of the UN should be rejected. 应坚持以斡旋、调解、谈判等和平手段解决争端,不应动辄采取强制行动,不能实行双重标准,不能借联合国之名进行军事干涉。
- The introduction of CTA system in China needs the government's coercive measure. 我国的注册税务师制度(CTA)主要靠政府的强制性变迁推动。
- In the process of the legal construction, the significance of criminal coercive measure is undeniable. 摘要在我国的法制建设过程中,现行的刑事强制措施的作用是功不可没的。
- As the severest kind of criminal coercive measure, arrest is the concentrated reflection of state coercive power. 逮捕是一种最为严厉的刑事强制措施,是国家强制力的集中体现。
- Any coercive measure that has exceeded the statutory term shall be immediately released or altered according to law. 对超过法定期限的强制措施,应当立即依法解除或变更。