- Study on the relative coefficient of air leakage in the gob 采空区紊流漏风相关系数的研究
- GPIB communication under the environment of LabWindows/CVI in the experiment of air leakage detector was introduced. 介绍了气体测漏实验中基于LabW indows/CVI环境下GPIB通信。
- The influence of air leakage on the working performance of Humboldt cyclone preheater and the motion of raw meal in it were studied. Smidth新型旋风预热器的物料停留时间分布及其特点,探讨了漏风对旋风预热器内物料运动状况及工作特性的影响,取得了令人满意的效果。
- First ,in order to get aim ignition temperature ,adjusting excess coefficient of air over dichotomy . 首先是采用二分法调整空气过剩系数,满足点火温度的要求;
- The authors made an experimental research on the effects of air leakage at discharging chute which may influence the cyclone separating efficiency. 对因下料管处漏风导致旋风筒分离效率降低幅度变化的各种影响因素进行了试验研究。
- Based on an example, the distribution and dynamic procedure of air leakage seepage, oxygen, CO gas, methane and temperature in goaf during working face advancing are demonstrated. 结合实例条件,描绘了工作面开采推进过程中采空区内漏风流态、氧、CO、瓦斯和温度等分布状态及其动态过程。
- In order to prevent the coal self - ignition from occurring, some effective measures such as prevention of air leakage, preventive grouting and bashing can be adopted. 为防止煤炭自燃火灾的发生,可采取防止漏风、预防性灌浆、封闭火区等有效措施。
- Increasing original resistan coefficient of the secondary air duct can improve the adjusting performance of air damper, and inhibit pulsation of the flow rate. 增加二次风道的原始阻力系数,可以使风门的调节特性得到改善并抑制流量脉动。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- This new style of air conditioner is noiseless. 这种新型空调没有噪音。
- I'll just trot out for a breath of air. 我要到外面去走走换换空气。
- Water has a variable coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- I want to buy a set of air conditioning. 我想买一台空调。
- The Problem of Air Leakage no Ignored 锅炉漏风问题不容忽视
- The doctor urged a change of air. 医生力劝换个环境。
- Water is variable in coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- Functional coefficient of biological cycle: FCBC. 生物循环功能系数。
- Also ow coefficient of surface friction. 较小的表面摩擦系数。
- Lashing velocity of pump is concerned with nature of air. 泵的抽气速率与气体的性质有关。