- cocculus indicus [医] 印(度)防已(实)
- Damnancanthus indicus(L.)Gaertn.f. 虎刺
- Damnacanthus indicus (Linn) Gaertn.F. 虎刺
- The hydrochloric acid cocculus tunbergii alkali is its muriate. 盐酸青藤碱是其盐酸盐。
- Luxi cattle had 75% Bos Indicus male origin and 25% Bos Taurus male origin. 鲁西牛父系起源中:瘤牛占75%25,普通牛占25%25;
- Taurus type and 32.14% were Bos. Indicus type in Sichuan cattle breeds. 在四川黄牛中;67.;86%25为普通牛类型;32
- The fern may in this growth, often the cocculus tunbergii also be possible to spread on. 最妙的是,这番精致无需特意铺设管道。
- A domesticated ox(Bos indicus)of Asia and eastern Africa, having a prominent hump on the back and a large dewlap. 瘤牛亚洲和非洲东部产的一种家养牛(瘤牛牛属),其背部有隆起的肉峰和一个大的垂肉
- A domesticated ox(Bos indicus)of Asia and eastern Africa,having a prominent hump on the back and a large dewlap. 瘤牛亚洲和非洲东部产的一种家养牛(瘤牛牛属),其背部有隆起的肉峰和一个大的垂肉
- Any of several dioecious vines of the closely related genera Cocculus and Menispermum,having inconspicuous flowers and red or blackish fruit. 大谷盗一种小的黑色甲壳虫(大谷盗谷盗属),,其幼虫和成虫对贮藏的谷物均会造成毁坏
- Qinchuan cattle had 25.8% Bos Indicus male origin and 74.2% Bos Taurus male origin. 秦川牛父系起源中:瘤牛占25.;8%25;普通牛占74
- A domesticated ox(Bos indicus) of Asia and eastern Africa, having a prominent hump on the back and a large dewlap. 瘤牛亚洲和非洲东部产的一种家养牛(瘤牛牛属),其背部有隆起的肉峰和一个大的垂肉
- Any of several dioecious vines of the closely related genera Cocculus and Menispermum, having inconspicuous flowers and red or blackish fruit. 蝙蝠葛属任一种与防已属和蝙蝠葛属有密切联系的雌雄异体的藤本植物,开显眼的花朵,结红色或黑色果实
- Jinnan cattle had 23.33% Bos Indicus male origin and 76.77% Bos Taurus male origin. 晋南牛父系起源中:瘤牛占23.;33%25;普通牛占76
- The indigenous Zebu belong to Bos indicus on the basis of the xnorphological and cytogenetic studies. 根据形态特征及细胞遗传学证据,云南瘤牛属于牛亚科Bos indicus,与普通黄牛(Bos taurus)分属不同的种;
- Nanyang cattle had 72.73% Bos Indicus male origin and 27.27% Bos Taurus male origin. 南阳牛父系起源中:瘤牛占72.;73%25;普通牛占27
- Looked like Harvard and the Princeton such often cocculus tunbergii university's school expense and the hotel expense has surpassed 30,000. 像哈佛和普林斯顿这样的常青藤大学的学费和住宿费更是超过了3万。
- Often cocculus tunbergii pledge school besides Cornell, in doctor supplies on basic does not succeed in the imperial civil service examination system. 常青藤盟校除了康奈尔外,在博士供应上基本都不登榜。
- The occurrence and spatial population distribution of rice whitefly Aleurocybotus indicus (Homoptera:Aleyrodidae) on rice were investigated. 对稻粉虱的寄主范围、不同生境下的发生及空间数量分布作了调查研究。
- A tropical tree(Pterocarpus indicus) native to southeast Asia, having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain. 紫檀一种热带树木(青龙木紫檀属)原产于亚洲东南部,有斑驳的或条状的黑粒面的红色木材