- coaxial line termination 同轴线终端负载
- Property to another line termination string. 属性设置为其他行终止字符串来解决这个问题。
- The multipactor thresholds of rectangular wave-guide and square coaxial line were predicted and compared. 着重分析了平行金属平板电极之间微放电效应发生过程。
- Compared with the other water detectors,the coaxial line water detector based on phase is high in measurement accur... 与其它测井仪器相比;该仪器测量精度高;应用范围广.
- And the coaxial detector is made up of a thermionic diode, coaxial line, filter and external circuit, which can work in a broad frequency range. 而同轴型探测器由热离子二极管、同轴波导,滤波器和外电路组成,可以宽带使用。
- Sets the line termination string for the standard error output stream to two carriage return and line feed sequences. 将标准错误输出流的行终止字符串设置为两个回车符和换行符序列。
- Writes a line terminator to the text stream. 将行结束符写入文本流。
- The more precision coaxial line sensor of phase-based water cut gauge was used on mesuring the water cut,it can meet the requirement of the exacta measurement of... 含水率测量选用高精度的同轴线相位法含水率计,满足了油井三相流的精确计量要求。
- Pressing Enter appends a platform-dependent line termination sequence to your input (for example, Windows appends a carriage return-linefeed sequence). 按Enter会在输入内容后面追加一个与平台有关的行终止序列(例如,Windows追加一个回车符和换行符序列)。
- Additionally, SDRs make LINE termination easier, which improves signal quality by reducing ringing and LINE reflections. 另外,SDR电阻能减少振铃和线路反射,改善信号质量,使线路终端连接更加容易。
- Class does not provide a method to write data to the standard error output stream, or a property to change the line termination string for data written to that stream. 类不提供将数据写入标准错误输出流的方法,也不提供更改写入该流的数据的行终止字符串的属性。
- Accurate measurement of complex permittivity of electrolyte solution is essential for both bioelectromagnetism and microwave chemistry. An easy and valid measurement method is using an open-ended coaxial line. 电解质溶液复介电常数的准确测量对于生物电磁学和微波化学等领域是至关重要的,简单而有效的测量方法就是使用开口同轴线。
- A novel monofilar spiral antenna for ground station in satellite communications is studied,which forms a tilted fan beam and is excited through a helical wire and fed by a coaxial line. 研究了一种应用于卫星通信地面站的新型单臂平面螺旋天线,该天线采用圆柱螺旋激励同轴线馈电,可以形成倾斜的波束,通过改变圆柱螺旋的参数可以调整其输入阻抗以达到阻抗匹配的目的。
- Writes a line terminator string to the output stream. 将行结束符字符串写入到输出流。
- Writes the current line terminator to the standard output stream. 将当前行终止符写入标准输出流。
- This paper,using the transmission line theory,analyzes the effect of transmission line terminal load of coaxial cable in regional computer network on the performance of the computer network. 本文用传输线理论分析了计算机局域网中同轴电缆传输线终端负载对网络工作性能的影响.
- A set of formulas for analyzing high-order modes of coaxial lines with arbitrary section in polar coordinate by the method of lines are rigorously derived in this paper. 本文应用直线法理论严格推导了在极坐标系统中分析任意截面形状同轴线高次模的公式。
- In the PON (Passive Optical Networks), the data transmission from ONU (optical network unit) to OLT (optical line termination) in the up-stream direction employing the style of TDMA (Time-Division Mutiple Access), is the burst-mode transmission also. 在无源光网络(PON)中,在上行方向从各网络用户单元(ONU)到光线路终端(OLT)的数据传输采用时分多址(TDMA)的方式,也是突发数据包的传输。
- Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the HtmlTextWriter object. 获取或设置由HtmlTextWriter对象使用的行结束符字符串。
- Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the current TextWriter. 获取或设置由当前TextWriter使用的行结束符字符串。