- naval coastal defence force tactics 海军岸防兵战术
- Late at night they sought him out and asked him to join the coastal defence. 深夜时他们找到他,要他去参观者加防守海岸。
- It would not become the tiptop goal of coast defence for its passivity. “海口防御”,缺乏战略主动性,不应该是转型社会时期海防海军建设的最高目标;
- Anchor of HMS Timar outside the Brennan Torpedo Station of Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong. "添马舰"船锚,香港筲箕湾海防博物馆布伦南鱼雷发射站外。
- When the night closes in and everything sleeps,our coastal defence soldiers are guarding our territorial seas and watching over the enemy. 当夜幕笼罩万物沉睡时,我们的海防战士们却在守卫着海疆,监视着敌人。
- When the night closes in and everything sleeps, our coastal defence soldiers are guarding our territorial seas and watching over the enemy. 当夜幕笼罩万物沉睡时,我们的海防战士们却在守卫着海疆,监视着敌人。
- Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard 牙买加国防部队海岸警卫队
- They sharply felt shocks from the West and watched vigilantly the invading activities of the Western colonists in Asia,and urged for strenghthening coastal defence. 他们敏锐地感受到了西方的冲击,以警惕的目光注视着西方殖民者在亚洲地区的侵略活动,呼吁加强海防。
- This alarms many in Britain, a country seen as indispensable to the construction of a serious European defence force. 这使许多英国人心生警惕,因为英国被视为构建重要的欧洲防线不可或缺的国家。
- The Chief of the Defence Force, General Peter Cosgrove, has given the Government's plan his seal of approval. 防卫局长彼特将军,已正式批准了政府的计划。
- At the same time they study an undergraduate program through UNSW, fully paid for by the Australian Defence Force. 与此同时,他们研究本科计划通过新南威尔士大学,全额支付由澳大利亚国防军。
- The Bahrain Defence Force maintains a garrison there, just to make sure that the Qataris don't suddenly get frisky. 巴林国防部队在那里有一支卫戍部队,目的是确保卡塔尔人不会突然入侵。
- The answer is definitely yes," said Carl Thayer, a Southeast Asia expert with the Australian Defence Force Academy. 答案无疑是肯定的, ”泰勒说,卡尔,一个东南亚的专家与澳大利亚国防军学院。
- In the footsteps of most of the world's modern armies, the Israel Defence Force is going to develop and operate lighter armoured vehicles, weighing around 35-40 tonnes. 在世界上大部分现代军队的前进的脚步声中,以色列国防军将要研制以及使用重量在35到40吨的轻型装甲车辆。
- a circular masonry fort for coastal defence. 海岸上防御外敌登陆的圆形小石堡。
- Yingkou Coastal Defence Regions (CDR) 营口水警区
- fortifications of coastal defence in Ming dynasty 明代海防筑城
- A memorandum of understanding signed by both governments on Nov. 14 adds Australian Defence Force access to WGS services worldwide in exchange for funding the constellation's sixth satellite. 作为美国和澳大利亚政府合作协议的一部分,澳大利亚也在筹集资金。
- Manual of Coast Defence Range Finding 海岸防御测距手册
- "After a period of opening up, Vietnam's leaders are now showing how conservative they can be," says Carlyle Thayer, a professor and Vietnam expert at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra. 其三,外贸、财政“双赤字”。