- coalgebra Galois extension 余代数Galois扩张
- In the second part of this thesis we prove that if the Hopf Galois extension is cocentral, and the invariants is a Hopf algebra then $A$ is itself a Hopf algebra. 设%24H%24是域%24k%24上的余半单Hopf代数,%24A%24为双代数且%24H%24在%24A%24上有余作用,在论文的第二部分我们证明了 当%24A%24是其余不变量的Galois余中心扩张时,%24A%24上有Hopf代数结构当且仅当它的余不变量子双代数是 Hopf代数。
- The concepts of the generalization cleft comodule algebra and thegeneralization H?Galois extension with a nouial basis were due to Masuokaand Doi [MD], they studied the equivalence of them and the dual case. Butthey didn? Masuoka和Doi[MD]给出了广义cleft余模代数和具有一个正规基的广义H-Galois扩张的概念,他们研究了二者的等价及对偶情形,但没有涉及到Hopfcrossed积或余积。
- It is well known that an extension field is a linear space over basic field, when the extension field is a Galois extension, every Galois action can be seen a linear transformation. 我们可以认为扩张域就是基域上的线性空间,当这个域扩张是Galois扩张时,每个Galois作用可以看作上述线性空间的线性变换。
- Galois extension of finite degree 有限次伽罗瓦扩张
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- He built an extension onto his house. 他给自己的住宅扩建了一部分。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- Hopf Galois Extensions and Structure Theorems of Hopf Modules Hopf Galois扩张与Hopf模结构定理
- By extension, an array of any number of dimensions. 广义来说,矩阵可以是任意维数的数组。
- We built an extension to our house. 我们扩建了我家的房屋。
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
- galois extension 伽罗瓦扩张
- On some problems of Galois theory. 关于伽罗瓦理论中几个问题的讨论
- She has an extension in the kitchen and in the bedroom. 她的厨房和卧室都有电话分机。
- Keywords: Galois Field, AES, cell-based library. 关键词:伽罗瓦场、进阶加密标准、标准单元库。
- finite Galois extension 有限伽罗瓦扩张
- Who perpetrated that dreadful extension to the front of the building? 谁在那楼房正面加盖了那麽一截讨厌的建筑物?
- He gladly consented to the extension of the loan. 他很乐意地同意延长贷款偿还期。
- The Galois group of F/L is S, by a basic result of Emil Artin. 现代的方法比起置换群的方法,有几点优势:它使得伽罗瓦理论基本定理的描述更为简洁;