- mining induced subsidence 开采沉陷
- They are ventilating the sap of a coal mine. 他们正在使煤矿坑道通风。
- That coal mine is no longer worked. 那个煤矿已经不经营了。
- R.E.Gray.Coal Mine Subsidence and Structures[J].Mine Induced Subsidence, 19 8 8, (5) : 6 9 - 8 6. 吴立新;王金庄.;建(构)筑物下压煤条带开采理论与实践[M]
- The subsidence is one form of coal mine secondary of the geological calamity. 摘要采煤塌陷为煤矿山次生的地质灾害形式之一。
- Water channels include coal seam roof and floor mining induced fissures,faults,karstic subsided columns,Quaternary scuttles,fissure concentrated zones and badly sealed boreholes. 充水通道包括顶底板采动裂隙、断层、岩溶陷落柱、第四系天窗、裂隙密集带及封闭不良钻孔等,其中顶底板采动裂隙、断层、岩溶陷落柱为主要导水通道。
- Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation. 采煤向来是一种危险职业。
- General bituminous coal mining; Motor freight. 一般烟煤开采;汽车货运。
- The subsidence area caused by coal mining is an important point, which should be settled by the land recultivation. 摘要在采煤矿区,由于采煤造成塌陷的土地是土地复垦需要解决的重点问题。
- They underwrote the coal mine's bonds. 他们同意买下该煤矿的未认购的股票。
- The landscape was destroyed by coal mining. 自然景观由于挖煤而受到了破坏。
- mining induced surface subsidence 开采沉陷
- There is a coal mine near my home town. 我的家乡附近有一个煤矿。
- Jiamusi Coal Mining Machinery Co. 和佳木斯煤矿机械有限公司。
- A coal mining boom has swept across north China. 煤炭行业的繁荣,在华北到处可见。
- Heilongjiang Coal Mining Machinery Group Co. 宣布,已向国有黑龙江煤矿机械集团有限公司。
- Ground subsidence due to coal mining gives rise to destruction of ecological environment. 煤炭开采造成地表塌陷,导致生态环境遭到破坏。
- The coal mining area is in the center of the basin. 煤矿区位于盆地的中心。