- coal seam gas emission 煤层瓦斯涌出量
- Under gassy coal seam condition, the full-heading development is employed.Because of the fast heading a high rate of gas emission arises. 在瓦斯含量较大的煤层采用综掘掘进巷道,由于掘进速度快,出现了瓦斯涌出量过大的现象。
- Research on coal bedding structure is the theory foundation and precondition of coal seam gas exploitation. 煤体层理结构的研究是煤层气开发开采的理论基础和前提条件。
- So it is feasible used the logging data to forecast coal seam gas content,and the applied value is enhance further. 证明用测井资料预测煤层瓦斯含量是可行的,从而进一步加强了测井资料的实际应用价值。
- Exploration evaluation coal seam gas is a base of coal seam gas exploration and developing. 煤层气的勘探评价,是开展煤层气勘探与开发工作的基础。
- If undertaking improvement on unsubstantial technical sectors,it is expected a breakthrough in exploration of the coal seam gas in the Liupanshui area. 指出针对薄弱技术环节进行改进,六盘水地区煤层气勘探可望取得突破。
- The inversive calculation result showed that the permeability coefficient of coal seam and its changing condition can be determined by seam gas Pressure. 算例反演的结果表明,利用反演方法能够通过煤层瓦斯压力确定煤层的透气性系数及其变化状况。
- The storage,application and forecast of coal seam gas in Hegang mine field are introduced,and the detailed mining area and way for earlier and later stage are provided. 介绍了鹤岗矿务局煤层气储量、利用情况和发展前景,提出了具体开采区域和前、后期的开采方式。
- The prospect of the coal seam gas in the Liupanshui area is investigated in exploration and exploitation, the frustration in exploration of the coal seam gas is initiatively studied with retrospect of history of prospecting. 本文对贵州六盘水地区煤层气勘探开发前景进行了分析、勘探历史进行了回顾,对煤层气勘探受挫原因进行了浅析。
- Up to 2007 the company owes more than twenty mining rights, which cover over ten resource such as iron, copper, lead, zinc, manganese, nickel, tungsten, stannum, gold, silver, molybdenum, zirconium, titanium, coal and coal seam gas. 截至2007年初公司拥有矿业权数20余个,涉及铁、铜、铅、锌、锰、镍、钨、锡、金、银、钼、锆、钛、煤、煤层气等十几个矿种。
- Coal resources are very rich in Yaojie formation of Middle Jurassic Series in the middle west part of the Basin,and the coal seam gas partially enriches in Yaojie and Tanshanling coal fields. 盆地中西部中侏罗统窑街组蕴藏着丰富的煤炭资源,煤层气局部富集于窑街、炭山岭煤田。
- The rock mass structure can be expressed by rock stratum effect thickness influence coefficient. It is more scientific then using roof rock and sand content in the study of coal seam gas preservation. 研究表明,煤层围岩岩体结构控制了煤层瓦斯的赋存,岩体结构可用岩层效应厚度影响系数来表示,应用这一参数研究煤层瓦斯赋存比用煤层顶板岩性及含砂率更科学。
- Inquiring Into Gas Emission Law from Top Slice during Slice Mining of an Extra- thick Coal Seam 特厚煤层分层开采顶分层瓦斯涌出规律探讨
- Treatment Method and Gas Emission Regulation During the Periodic Weighting in Gas Outburst Coal Seam 突出煤层周期来压期间瓦斯涌出规律及治理
- In order to forecast and prevent gas discharging quantity,it must grasp discharging rule of coal seams gas and gas discharging quantity. 为了有效地进行瓦斯涌出量的预测和防治,就需要掌握煤层瓦斯的解吸规律和可解吸瓦斯量。
- coal seam gas containing feature 煤层含气性
- content and quality of coal seam gas 瓦斯质量体积
- Application and forecast of coal seam gas in Hegang mine field 鹤岗矿区煤层气利用与展望
- Abnormal detection in coal seam gas of the Enhong coal mine 云南恩洪盆地煤层气异常分析
- The mathematical mold is more closed to actual gas emission . 这个数学模型更接近瓦斯涌出的实际情况。