- coal pillar at working face 面内煤柱
- Prewetting of coal seams by water infusion is an essential measure for dust control at working faces. 煤层注水预湿是采煤工作面防尘的治本措施,添加湿润剂是改善煤层注水效果的重要途径。
- Practice on Probe Drilling Water of Working Face Goaf in Deepening Coal Pillar 延深煤柱工作面采空区探放水的实践
- In order to enhance the efficiency of excavating coal, Beishan coalmine attempts to adopt millisecond delay direct initiation at working face. 百善煤矿为提高采煤效率,尝试在采煤工作面实行毫秒延期反向起爆。
- Practice to pass coal pillar of over isolated face in fully mechanized working face 综采工作面过上覆煤层孤岛煤柱的实践
- Mining Practice of Fully Mechanized Mining Working Face in Lower Slice Through Upper Slice Coal Pillar in This Coal Seam 下分层综采工作面过本煤层上分层煤柱的开采实践
- He jibbed at working overtime every day. 他不愿每天都加班加点。
- I'm just trying to refrain from drowsing at work. 我只是试着别在工作时打瞌睡而已。
- Aim at the problem of top corner gas big at work face,seriously influences safety and restrains production,the method of direct drawing top corner gas has been proved sucessful. 针对高瓦斯工作面上隅角瓦斯大,严重影响安全,制约生产的问题,采用直接抽放工作面上隅角瓦斯及顶板抽放法取得成功。
- The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then. 当时修理工在修理你的自行车。
- Do you have to wear a suit at work? 你们上班得穿西装吗?
- Confirming Coal Pillar Breadth Between Border Upon Working Faces of "Three-soft" Coal Seam "三软"煤层相邻采面间最佳煤柱宽度的确定
- A difficulty has cropped up at work. 工作中突然出现困难。
- They pamper themselves after a hard day at work. 他们劳累工作一日之后放纵自己。
- He spends less time at work than at play. 他在工作上比在玩上花较少的时间。
- Workers demurred at working on Sundays. 工人们反对在星期天工作。
- We have 40 hours at work at the most each week. 我们每周至多工作四十小时。
- I'm at work on a new project now. 我现在正忙于一个新工程
- The clerks are at work attentively. 职员们在专心工作。
- Analysis and Governing of the Gas in the Working Face of the Fully- Mechanized Sub- Level Caving in the Small Coal Pillars 小煤柱综放工作面瓦斯涌出分析及治理