- coal mining with water power 水力采煤
- coal mining with water conservation 保水采煤
- Formation of underground water bellow burnt rock and new conception of coal mining with water conservation 烧变岩地下水的形成及保水采煤新思路
- The paper pointed out the development tendency of the pseudo inclined coal mining with flexible shield supports. 提出了伪斜柔性掩护支架开采技术以后的发展趋势。
- Feasible drawing interval is the basis to study mining equipment of fully-mechanize coal mining with caving method. 综放开采的合理放煤步距是研制综放工作面成套技术装备的基础,是提高综放工作面采出率与煤质的关键之一。
- coal mining with water pressure 带压开采
- B. A company of PLA soldiers came to the coal mine with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners. 一个连队的解放军战士来到了那座煤矿.;奉司令部之命解救受困的矿工
- Analyses the technological parcticability and economic advisability on local villages and towns coal mine with the technology of 10 kV direct power coal mine with the technology of 10 kV direct power supply under the mine. 论述了地方、乡镇煤矿10 kV电源下井供电的技术可行性、经济合理性。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- A water power station must have a dam. 水电站必须有拦河坝。
- The mining subsidence mechanism of metal mine with fractured blocky rock mass is different from that of coal mine with layered rock mass. 摘要金属矿山多为裂隙发育的块状岩体,因而开采引起的地表沉陷机制不同于层状地层的煤矿。
- He washed down a pill with water. 他用开水吞服药丸。
- The application of elevated fully mechanized caving mining technology is an economical and efficient means for an old coal mine with an exploitation history of 38 years. 应用高位综放工艺回采煤柱资源对于已有38年开采历史的老矿来说是一种经济、高效的手段。
- Go and fill this bucket with water for me. 去替我装满一桶水来。
- This reservoir supplies the entire city with water. 这个水库为全城供水。
- The most effective water power in the world-women's tears. 世界上最有效的水力是-女人的眼泪。
- Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。
- They are ventilating the sap of a coal mine. 他们正在使煤矿坑道通风。
- The wine has been thinned with water. 这酒已用水稀释。
- Fill a bottle with water through a funnel. 通过漏斗把瓶子注满水。