- They eked out their coal by collecting firewood. 他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足。
- The marketing myopia is caused by product concepts. 摘要营销近视症是产品观念所导致的。
- We shall soon replace coal by electricity. 我们不久将用电代替煤。
- Miners dug for coal by hand in those days. 在那些日子里,矿工用手挖煤。
- Study on the Desulfurization of Shenfu Coal by Rhodococcus sp. 红球菌对神府煤的脱硫作用研究。
- If any question by product,Please keep the product shape,Then contact slaes. 不接受用过之货物退回;如有问题请保持原状;三天前提出问题.
- Supply is conditioned by production. 供应受生产制约。
- The compensation by product counter-purchase will be made by other product,which is actually a form of barter trade. 用“产品反购”得到的补偿将以购买其他产品来体现,这实际上是一种易货贸易。
- The compensation by product counter- purchase will be made by other product, which is actually a form of barter trade. 用“产品反购”得到的补偿将以购买其他产品来体现,这实际上是一种易货贸易。
- He was hauled over the coals by the manager for his carelessness. 他因不认真受到了经理的严厉批评。
- The research results are verified by production practice. 研究结果得到生产实践的证明。
- An increase in the oxygen content of coal by 1% reduces the calorific value by about 1.7%. 煤的含氧量每增加百分之一,其热值则下降百分之一点七左右。
- Finally, you want to see the sum of sales of the two salespeople per year broken down by product. 最后,您需要查看按产品细分的两个销售人员每年的销售总额。
- The bioconversion of Shenfu coal by Phanerochaete chrysosporium(PC) was studied. 用黄孢原毛平革菌(PC菌)对光氧化预处理神府煤进行了生物转化研究。
- Consumers judge counterfeits by product quality rather than intellectual property. 消费者判别产品真伪是通过产品质量而不是通过知识产权来辨别的。
- Activated carbon with decolorization capability to caramel was prepared from Yilan coal by activation with water vapor. 以依兰煤为原料,采用水蒸气活化法,制备出了具有焦糖脱色力的活性炭。
- The results are sorted first by Product ID (in ascending order), and then by Order Date (in descending order). 结果先按照“产品ID”(升序)、再按照“订单日期”(降序)进行排序。
- He was hauled over the coals by the manager for his carelessness . 他因不认真受到了经理的严厉批评。
- Any other reasonable duties required by production manager. 其它生产经理要求的合理工作要求。
- Production packing list preparation by production requirement. 根据生产需求准备生产装箱清单。