- Coal and oil are natural products. 煤和石油是天然物产。
- Wood, coal and oil are different kinds of fuel. 木头、煤炭和石油是不同类型的燃料。
- He is going to make new things from coal and oil. 他打算用煤和石油制成新东西。
- That area is rich in coal and oil. 那个地区盛产煤和石油。
- Wecan run trains and machines with coal and oil. 我们在很多方面用煤和石油。
- The gas and petrol are examples of secondary fuels by which coal and oil may be more effectively used. 焦炭,煤气和汽油是更加有效地利用煤和石油的第二级燃料的范例。
- Fuel like coal and oil gives out much heat when burnt. 像煤和石油一样的燃料,在燃烧时发出许多热量。
- Ken:I always thought resources were things like coal and oil. 我一直以为资源就是指煤炭或石油之类的事物。
- Mr Hoeven insists that coal and oil can complement green development. 胡芬先生坚持认为煤炭和石油可以补充清洁能源的发展。
- It is certain that fuels like coal and oil cause a lot of pollution. 煤和石油这类燃料能造成大量的污染,这是肯定的。
- The construction of coal and oil transformation project worsened the situation. 特别是煤制油项目的全面上马,水的问题将更为突出。
- It is extremely important that countries with a shortage of coal and oil find a new source of fuel . 对缺少煤炭、石油的国家来说,寻找新的燃料资源尤为重要。
- It is the compounds based on coal and oil that we are now making use of to create various kinds of synthetics . 我们现在是利用以煤和石油为基础的化合物来制造各种合成材料。
- More and more new types of energy resources have been exploited to replace coal and oil. 越来越多的新型能源被开发出来代替煤和石油。
- The day will finally come when we no longer rely on coal and oil as our main sources of fuel. 我们不再依靠煤和石油作为主要燃料来源的日子终究会到来。
- Resinite is a rich n1aceral in Teriary humic coal,boghead-cannel coal and oil shale fromHuangxian Coalfield. 黄县煤田第三纪腐殖煤、藻烛煤、油页岩显微组分富含树脂体。
- It is the compounds based on coal and oil that we are now making use of to create various kinds of synthetics. 我们现在是利用以煤和石油为基础的化合物来制造各种合成材料。
- A very noticeable trend was the steady plunge in pollution caused by burning coal and oil. 在燃烧煤炭和石油方面产生的污染呈稳定的下降趋势。
- The value of some traditional energies like coal and oil should be further explored. 煤炭、石油等常规能源的价值应当得到进一步的发掘。
- Besides coal, the most important natural fuel are gas and oil. 除了煤,最重要的天然燃料是煤气和石油。