- This is an example of coagulative necrosis. 本图为凝固性坏死。
- This acute renal infarction is pale, typical of coagulative necrosis. 这是急性肾梗死的切片,梗死区苍白,是典型的凝固性坏死。
- The morphological change in treatment center of RFA group was coagulative necrosis. 射频组肿瘤经射频治疗后发生凝固性坏死,凝固性坏死边缘区肿瘤组织可见明显的细胞凋亡及细胞坏死改变。
- Here, there is a wedge-shaped pale area of coagulative necrosis (infarction) in the renal cortex of the kidney. 是由缺血和梗死(血液供应不足和缺氧的结果)引起的典型坏死类型。
- Infarcted parenchyma shows coagulative necrosis that may contain scattered neutrophils and/or macrophages. 梗死的实质是含有散在核碎片和/或巨噬细胞的凝固性坏死。
- Two large infarctions (areas of coagulative necrosis) are seen in this sectioned spleen. 正常的肾上腺皮质和梗死的苍白色小斑块间的界限是分明的。
- The central nodules were coagulative necrosis and there were no parenchymal cells and parasitic infection whthin necro... 结论肝孤立性坏死结节是一种罕见的肝非肿瘤性病变,术前诊断非常困难,需与肝的一些局灶性病变鉴别。
- Conclusion The coagulative necrosis appeared in the target region resulted from the effect of HIFU on biological tissues. 结论肝脏靶区出现凝固性坏死是聚焦超声束作用于生物组织的结果。
- Since the etiology of coagulative necrosis is usually vascular with loss of blood supply, the infarct occurs in a vascular distribution. 梗死的原因通常是供血不足,因此梗死灶位于相应动脉分支的供血区域。
- Larger nodules may have central necrosis known as caseation--a process of necrosis that includes elements of both liquefactive and coagulative necrosis). 较大的结节可能存在中央部位的干酪样坏死--包括液化性坏死和凝固性坏死的过程)。
- Note the wedge shape of this zone of coagulative necrosis resulting from loss of blood supply with resultant tissue ischemia that produces the pale infarct. 图示凝固性坏死的区域呈楔形是由于该区域血液供应减少而使组织最终发展为贫血性梗死。
- In this case, the toes were involved in a frostbite injury.This is an example of "dry" gangrene in which there is mainly coagulative necrosis from the anoxic injury. 此为趾冻伤后由于缺氧发生了干性坏疽,主要为凝固性坏死。
- The results showed that the skeletal muscle was the characteristics coagulative necrosis of milk mice inoculated. Cytoplasm of muscle fiber was full of a great deal of viral particle by enzyme-labeled antibody and ABC staining. 结果表明,接种FMDV的乳鼠骨骼肌呈现典型的凝固性坏死变化,间接酶标抗体法和ABC法染色都可以成功地检测肌纤维细胞质中的病毒粒子。
- This is an acute renal infarction.Note the wedge shape of this zone of coagulative necrosis resulting from loss of blood supply with resultant tissue ischemia that produces the pale infarct. 急性肾梗死,属凝固性坏死,坏死区域呈楔形,是由于组织血供减少引起缺血,终而产生灰白的梗死区。
- Whitish pinpoint foci of coagulative necrosis 针尖大白色凝固性坏死灶
- Biopsies at multiple sites and pathology revealed intense coagulation necrosis with complete denudation of covering epithelium without any malignancy. 经多处切片病理显示凝固性坏死与上皮完全剥落,并无发现恶性细胞。
- Tumor presents coagulation necrosis,cancer cells crenulation,cellular nucleus anish after radiotherapy. 放疗后肿瘤呈凝固性坏死,癌细胞皱缩、细胞核消失;
- Coagulation necrosis was found in resected fibroids after embolization in 3 patients. 3例栓塞后手术切除者病理见肌瘤体呈凝固性坏死。
- The halo and central nodule reflect, respectively, a rim of coagulation necrosis or hemorrhage surrounding a central fungal nodule or infarct. 这种“晕”和中央结节分别代表周围的凝固性坏死/出血包绕中央的真菌结节/梗死。
- Result:The tumor of target area revealed coagulation necrosis after HIFU therapy.Karyorrhexis and karyolysis could be seen in the necrosis area and eosinostaining enhanced. 结果:HIFU治疗后靶区肿瘤呈凝同性坏死,坏死区胞核碎裂、溶解消失,嗜酸染色增强。