- The Muse of lyric poetry and music. 欧忒耳佩缪斯女神之一,主管音乐和抒情诗
- The paper attempts to narrate Zheng"s origin of thoughts of poetry and reacher the art characteristic of Zheng"s works. 本文从探究郑氏诗歌渊源入手,进而深入诗歌内部,分析其中蕴涵的主要艺术特质,追索从中折射的诗人心态特征。
- Fourth, it is flying and the bombs harp woman, symbol of poetry and music to bring happiness to mankind. 四是飞翔的人与弹竖琴的女人,象征诗与音乐把人类带向幸福。
- The separation and union of poetry and music unfolded in the three Caos' poetry creation illustrates the process of the consciousness of literature. 三曹诗歌中的诗乐离合关系,从另一侧面说明了文学自觉的过程。
- What he craved was books of poetry and chivalry. 他渴望得到的是诗集和骑士气概。
- Swan - A lover of poetry and harmony. 天鹅-好诗韵的人。
- Despite their warrior reputation, Somalis love poetry and music. 除了世界公认的好战性格外,索马里人其实也热爱诗歌和音乐。
- The rhythm of poetry and prose rhythm has obvious differences. 散文的节奏和诗歌的节奏有明显的差别。
- He has made several broadcasts of poetry and short stories. 他做过几次诗歌和短故事的广播节目。
- I do not see how you can talk about poetry and music in the same breath. 我不明白你怎么能把诗歌同音乐相提并论。
- I don't see how you can talk about poetry and music in the same breath. 我不明白你怎么能把诗歌同音乐相提并论。
- co-origin of poetry and music 诗乐同源
- To the specific levels, the Confucianist ideas on poetry and music are both identical and different. 概而言之,乐具有与礼同等崇高的正统教化地位,而诗的地位则不在同一层次。
- Cultural Druids hold a competition of poetry, literature and music known as the Eisteddfod amongst the Celtic peoples (Welsh, Irish, Cornish, Breton, etc). 文化德鲁伊教团员举行作诗,文学和音乐竞赛,比如知名的就是凯尔特人(威尔斯,爱尔兰,康沃尔,布里多尼等等)的诗词大会。
- Confucianismsees teaching as theultimate purpose of literature and art, and its identical conceit with poetry and music is valid only on this limit. 儒家把教化看作文学艺术的终极目的,在这一点上,他们对诗、乐的观念固然相同;
- But the cult oftheauthenticand the personal,"doing our own thing", hasspeltthedeath of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. 但是,以“自行其是”为主导的所谓自然和个人风格的盛行,已经宣布了正式文体的演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐的灭亡。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- My sons must study navigation,commerce and agriculture,So that their children will have the right to study painting,poetry and music. 我的儿子必须学习航海、商业和农业,这样他们的子孙才有权利学习绘画、作诗以及音乐。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- But the cult of the authentic and the personal , “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech , writing , poetry and music. 但是这种对真实和个人的膜拜,"各扫门前雪",已经导致正式语言,写作,诗歌和音乐的死亡