- After co culture with tumor cells at different ratio, tumoricidal activity of PBMC was higher in IL 18 group ( P =0.016). PBMC与不同效靶比的肿瘤细胞共同温育后 ;IL 18组PBMC对肿瘤细胞杀伤率较对照组为高 (P=0 .;0 16 ) ;
- Advances in studies on establishment of culture system andsynthesis of astragaloside of Astragalus L. 黄芪培养系统的建立及皂苷合成的研究进展。
- Culture system establishment and chemical constituents analysis of hairy roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. 甘草毛状根培养系统的建立及化学成分分析。
- Objective To establish a serum-free culture system of dendritic cells (DCs) from chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells. 目的 建立慢性粒细胞白血病 (CML)树突状细胞 (DCs)体外无血清培养体系。
- The establishment of callus culture system and the suspension cell culture system of Syringa pubescens Turcz. 建立了小叶丁香的愈伤组织培养体系和悬浮细胞培养体系
- In vitro culture system of buffalo fetal fibroblasts (BFF) was investigated in this study. 本实验探讨了适合水牛胎儿成纤维细胞(BFF)体外培养的体系。
- Schwann cells can promote the survival and differentiation of co cultured neural stem cells in vitro. 施万细胞能促进体外培养的神经干细胞的存活及其分化为神经元样细胞
- All of these are formed her cultural system of enterprise. 这些构成了公司的企业文化体系。
- The effect of brassinolide (BR) on shikonin formation in Onosma paniculatum cell suspension culture system was studied. 研究了油菜素内酯(BR)对培养的滇紫草细胞产生紫草色素的影响。
- The APC and some CD8+ T cells were mixed and co cultured for one week, APCs were added to stimulate CD8 lymphocytes again. 7天后同法再刺激患者的 CD8+T细胞 1次 ,诱导形成细胞毒 T淋巴细胞 (CTL)。
- The results revealed that PDLF cells in this culture system kept their phenotype in vitro. 酶消化法不失为一种简便、快速、可靠的细胞原代分离培养方法。
- Methods MNCs were isolated from the peripheral blood of CML patients when diagnosed,then co cultured with rhGM CSF and rhIL 4 for 7 days. 方法 分离初诊CML患者外周血单个核细胞 (PBMNC) ,用rhGM CSF联合rhIL 4共同培养 7d ;
- Finally, Bailyn argues that the colonies were a half-civilized hinterland of the European culture system. 最后,B认为殖民地是欧洲文化体系的一个半文明腹地。
- The use of this testis culture system may allow assessment of new anti-retroviral drugs that target HIV in the testis. 这种睾丸培养体系的应用可能会应用于抗睾丸HIV病毒新药的评估。
- We also found that growth activity of the strain HWZ2 was accelerated in co cultures with two other nitrogen fixing bacteria (GWZ1 and GWZ2) isolated from the rice root. 同时发现HWZ2与水稻根系分离到的两株自生好养固氮菌GWZ1,GWZ2之间具有协同生长。
- The expression of IL 1 gene was low in HCE16/3 cells normally. When HCE16/3 cells were co cultured with fibroblasts, however, the expression of IL 1 gene was significantly up? 在正常情况下 ,HCE16 /3细胞IL 1基因表达水平很低 ,但在与纤维母细胞作共同培养时 ,IL 1基因的表达水平明显上调。
- Objective To establish the culture system of conditionalization for the astrocytes of cerebral cortex in vitro. 目的:建立大脑皮质星形胶质细胞体外条件化培养体系。
- Methods Human PBMC were co cultured with porcine vascular endothelial cell line PIEC for 18h. The mixed un co cultured PBMC and PIEC were used as controls. 方法 人外周血单个核细胞 (PBMC)与猪内皮细胞系 PIEC共培养 18h,对照组为未共培养的 PBMC和 PIEC。
- Methods Megakaryocytes of 18 cord blood samples in a liquid culture system were infected by HCMV AD169 strain. 目的探讨人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)对人巨核系细胞的抑制作用及其机制。
- When sera from patients infected with different HC strains were added to the hepatocyte culture system, iral replication occurred and new irus particles were produced. 发现当HC携带者的血清加入该培养系统后,仍有大量病毒复制繁殖。