- co ordination of insulation 绝缘配合
- Another meaning of the law of value refers to its co ordination of proportional development among various productive sectors rather than its determination of commodity value. 价值规律的“另一种意义”是指它调节各部门生产按比例发展的趋向。 而不是讲决定商品价值的问题
- All kinds of insulation material. 各种复合绝缘材料.
- Air that is prevented from circulating for purposed of insulation. 不流通的空气。
- Ordination of Elder Harding Ng and Pastor Victor Lee. 按立吴克定长老和李建新传道为牧师。
- Flash over due to dirt of insulation outside the electric network of the metallurgic plant of Laiwu Iron &Steel Co. 莱钢冶金厂区电网外绝缘污闪的原因,是由于电网处于冶金厂区污秽较严重的生产区域。
- Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good. 法律是维护公众利益的理性条令。
- Replace X and Y with your X and Y Co ordinates from the Game. 取代X和Y与您的X和Y坐标的合作从游戏。
- Represents the day ordinal of a half-year. 表示每半年的第几天。
- Represents the day ordinal of a week. 表示每周的第几天。
- Represents the day ordinal of a year. 表示每年的第几天。
- Represents the month ordinal of a half-year. 表示每半年的第几个月。
- It was as if he had a coating of insulation about all his feelings. 他的感觉仿佛都涂上了一层绝缘漆。
- Represents the month ordinal of a year. 表示每一年的第几个月。
- Represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year. 表示每半年的第几个季度。
- Air Transportation Co ordination Office 空运协调处
- Represents the week ordinal of a year. 表示每年的第几周。
- Live working- Ropes of insulating. 带电工作-绝缘绳。
- All that is lacking of good co - ordination. 现在就是配合不够。
- The temperature characteristics of insulation resistance of capacitor covers. 电容器盖板绝缘电阻的温度特性。