- A Study on the Causes and Implications of Mid-small Enterprises Cluster Development in China. 我国中小企业集群化发展成因研究及启示。
- Finally, through the SWOT analysis of China's digital cluster development strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 最后本文通过SWOT***析得出我国数字集群发展的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁。
- The view of scientific development is great innovation of our party about development of theory and it is the overall guilding principle of solving industrial cluster development. 科学发展观是我党关于发展理论的重大创新,是解决产业集群发展问题的总的指导原则。
- Thus, we explore the roles of social capital on improving transactional efficiency, promoting the evolution of labor division, and boosting industrial cluster development. 于是,我们探讨了集群特有的社会资本对于提高交易效率、从而推动分工演进、促进集群发展这一作用的过程。
- This paper describes the process flowsheet, dehydration methods and its selection and considerations in the system design in Boxi field cluster development. 本文介绍了渤西油田群天然气脱水系统一般流程,天然气脱水方法的选择,以及在系统设计中应注意的几个问题。
- A flower cluster developing from the edge toward the center, as in a corymb. 向心花序 Centripetal inflorescence 自边缘向中心开放的花簇,如伞房花序。
- Abstract:Because of the gap of industrial cluster development between the east and the west,western development based on industrial gradient transfer has not made predicted progress. 摘要:由于东西部地区产业集群发展的差距,基于产业梯度转移的西部大开发设想在目前并没有取得预期的绩效。
- Abstract:Because of the gap of industrial cluster development between the east and the west,western development based on industrial gradient transfer has not made predicted progress. 摘要:由于东西部地区产业集群发展的差距,基于产业梯度转移的西部大开发设想在目前并没有取得预期的绩效。
- West areas should actively create condition to improve the "diamond" structure of industrial cluster development and to cultivate and upgrade local industrial clusters. 西部地区要积极、努力地创造条件,改善产业集群发展的“钻石”结构状态,培育和提升本地的产业集群。
- Finally, it summarizes the function mode of "localcharacters "force in industrials clusters development of small towns. 最后总结了小城镇产业集群发展中“地方性”力量作用模式。
- Through analyzing the status and trend of urbanization in undeveloped area, his paper discusses urbanization under the influence of industrial clusters development. 通过分析欠发达地区城市化的现状和未来的发展趋势,探讨了欠发达地区产业集群发展对区域城市化进程的影响。
- A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation. 星群,星座比星座小的一簇星星
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。
- Concern about ecology is a recent development. 对生态的关心是最近才有的事。
- A factory must try to diversify for further development. 一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。
- Crowded or massed into a dense cluster. 丛生的,聚生的聚集成密丛的
- The development was adverse to our interests. 这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。
- The town has been designated a development area. 该城市已被定为开发区。
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 开发小船坞的资金是由当地议会提供的。
- A cluster of small iron balls formerly used as a cannon charge. 葡萄弹,霰弹以前用作火包装填物的一簇小铁丸