- cloud water path 中国云水资源
- Cloud water Qu Zheng, author of Zen mind, from what movie? 云水禅心古筝曲的作者,来自哪部电影?
- The visibility,effective radii and liquid water path(LWP) of fog are the fundamental parameters for fog monitoring. 大雾区域地面能见度、垂直总水汽含量、雾滴有效半径等因子是对大雾进行有效监测的重要参数。
- The other parameters,such as effective radii and liquid water path(LWP),have been obtained.The former sounding and remote sensing result have shown that it has a true trend. 所得垂直总水汽含量、雾滴有效半径也与以前国内外相关多年研究的结果趋势一致。
- In addition, it shows the Caonan Lake, wooden wagon roads, wooden wagons, a tower for viewing the waterfall, the Shipan Waterfall, and the ruins of the Linmei water path. 还有草湳湖简介、木马道及木马相关介绍,观瀑平台、石磐瀑布及林美步道水圳遗址的解说。
- Coupled with observed data on aerosols of Beijing, we studied the effects of different aerosoldistribution of Beijing on CCN, cloud drops and cloud water content. The simulated resultswere compared with observation. 文中还结合两次北京地区飞机观测的气溶胶资料,通过对比分析和数值试验,研究了北京地区不同气溶胶状况对云凝结核(CCN)、云滴浓度和含水量等微物理特征的影响。
- Hua Yansi hours before and after the House of Representatives, a Mountain Gate front yard, veranda Gallery, Buddhist, cloud water, such as Hall, the backyard is the place where monks. 上华严寺分前后两院,前院有山门、廊庑、佛堂、云水堂等,后院则是僧人居住的地方。
- AgI-seeding should be done before the activation of most ice nuclei start, so as to enhance rainfall through increasing ice crystals content, and deleting super-cooled cloud water. 结果表明,该地区秋季对流云降水主要为冷云降水,冰晶是霰产生的主要来源,冰霰自动转化是霰产生的最主要方式,冰晶与霰的碰并又促进了霰的进一步增长,霰是云中过冷水消耗的主要因素。
- A cloud is a condensation of water vapour. 云是由水蒸汽凝缩而成的。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The cell flaws seemed to act as water paths in these dosed-cell type composites. 7. 因该缺陷在闭孔型发泡复合物中形成水分之传走小径。
- Potential for estimating cloud liquid water path over sea ice from airborne passive microwave measurements 估算机载被动微波测量中海冰上空云液态水路径的潜能
- Retrieval and characterization of cloud liquid water path using airborne passive microwave data during INDOEX 在INDOEX试验期间用机载被动微波资料测量云液态水路径的还原和特征
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- These compounds are applied to the fiber tubes and surrounding cable elements to fill voids, eliminating water paths inside the cable structure. 这些化合物被应用到光纤管及周围索单元,以填补空隙,消除水航道内的电缆结构。
- There are several kinds of cloud formations. 云层的构成方式有好几种。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。
- The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳消失在一片云后面。
- The wind dispersed the cloud from the sky. 风吹散了天上的云。