- Moos Prepare for a close encounter with the animal mind. 默丝请准备好同动物的思想做一次亲密接触吧。
- My last close encounter with Andre was in 2001 during the Heineken Open in Shanghai. 我和阿加西的最后一次亲密接触是在2001年的喜力公开赛上。
- Astronomers said a star about the size of our sun neared the black hole after veering off course following a close encounter with another star. 天文学家们说和一个与太阳差不多大的恒星与另一颗恒"亲密接触"后偏离轨道而靠近黑洞。
- In Ufology, any extraterrestrial contact initiated by humans is known as a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind. 很难解释有些田地里出现的大面积怪圈,于是有些人将之归罪于外星人。
- In Ufology, a close encounter is when a person witnesses an unidentified flying object. 在不明飞行物学中,当一个人目击了不明飞行物被称为近距离接触。
- A photographer and assistant brave a close encounter with gray reef sharks off Rongelap Atoll. 一个摄影师和他的助手勇敢地面对鲨鱼。
- The close encounter with current BBA students also impressed Sarah Cheuk Lai Shan, another participant. 与正在就读的商管生交流,亦影响了另一位参加者卓丽珊(Sarah)。
- Mike gets injured after a close encounter with 47, where other assassins (who were following 47) get killed. 麦克受伤后,得到的近距离接触, 47岁,在其他刺客(以下谁是47岁)丧命。
- Meanwhile, Sam's mom (Julie White) turns into an obscenity-spewing clown after a close encounter with a dope-laced brownie. 同时,山姆的母亲(JulieWhite)不小心吃了一块被下药的饼干,变成口无遮拦的小丑。
- Close encounters with giant anteaters. 结束遇见巨大食蚁兽。
- TOKYO, Sep 2 (Reuters) - Japan's next prime minister might be nicknamed "the alien," but it's his wife who claims to have had a close encounter with another world. 九月2日,路透社东京消息。日本下届首相也许会被给予外星人的绰号,但他的妻子已声称有过与另一个世界的亲密遭遇。
- Cassini's first close encounter with the Saturnian system will be its June 11 flyby of Phoebe, a satellite that travels in an irregular, elliptical orbit about 13 million kilometers from the planet. 卡西尼号首次接近土星系统是6月11日飞越土卫九之时,那是一颗沿不规则、椭圆轨道运行的卫星,距土星约1300万公里。
- Although excellent archers, collecting booty requires closing with their victims and being prepared for a close encounter of the violent kind. 尽管盗匪们弓箭技艺十分出色,但掠掳战利品却需要近身接触,因此他们亦随时准备与敌军肉搏厮杀。
- One common thread that often runs between "Alien kidnappings," "sex with aliens," and other "close encounters of a third kind" is a buzzing in the ears just before the encounter. 共同的线索经常在“外星人诱拐,”“与外星人性交,”和其它的“第三类亲密接触”之间运行,仅仅是接触前在耳中产生嗡嗡响。
- close encounter of the third kind 与乘坐飞碟来的人有实际接触
- close encounter of the first kind 发现飞碟
- close encounter of the second kind 能拿出确凿证据表明已看到飞碟
- I've had a number of close encounters(= situations that could have been dangerous)with bad drivers. 我好几次都险些与技术不佳的司机相撞。
- If you had a close encounter with an extraterrestrial, 如果你和一个外星人相遇,