- close combat grenade 近战榴弹
- The Beautiful Sense of Close Combat! 近距离作战的美妙感觉!
- CLOSE COMBAT IV Battle of the Bulge. 近距离作战四:阿登反击战。
- To melee, one must be in close combat with their opponent. 在肉搏中,您必须与对手进行近距离战斗。
- The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy. 突击军事攻击中与敌人展开近距离肉搏的最后阶段
- Infantry tactics include penetration, thrust, close combat and so on. 步兵战术包括渗透,穿插,近战等。
- Loves hot dogs sold in the Garden cafeteria. Uses close combat fighting. 特别喜爱吃学园食堂所售的热狗。使用近距离的强力格斗技来重创敌人。
- The short sword is a traditional Arabic weapon and very good at close combat. 短剑是传统的阿拉伯武器,在近战搏斗中相当好用。
- Close combat is the only form of warfare that results in surrenders. 近距离作战是唯一一种能够导致投降的战争形式。
- A blade adapted to fit the muzzle end of a rifle and used as a weapon in close combat. 刺刀安装在步枪口的利刃,用作近战武器
- A few yards away, another group of trainees carries out close combat exercises--how to choke or stab an enemy to death. 离这儿数码远,另一批学员正在进行格斗训练,即如何把敌人掐死或刺死。
- Show me what is inside your sword case. The sword of the Yue Maiden best suited to close combat. 让我看看你这剑筒里背的是什么,越女剑,最宜贴身格斗。
- Why are boxers so good? What can we learn and HOW can we apply these lessons to our own training in close combat. 为什么拳击手这么优秀?我们能学到些什么?我们该如何把这些学来的东西用到我们自己的近距离格斗训练中?
- The axe is good for battling Zombies at close combat but ineffective for long distance attacks. 斧子是与僵尸近身战的好武器但是对远距离的攻击便无能为力了。
- Much of the close combat being taught our troops today is ineffective and impractical. 如今,我们军队教授的很多近距离格斗技术都是无效的、不实用的。
- A light spear or lance, especially one with a short shaft and long blade for close combat, used by southern African tribesmen. 长矛南非部落所用的轻便长矛或标枪,尤指那种适于近距离搏斗用的短杆长刀片武器
- Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops. 西帕希枪骑兵是从那些富裕得能提供近战用的铠甲的西帕希领主中征募。
- Non scripted close combat added, fully usable to the player, used by the AI when out of ammo and standing up. 增加了无脚本的近战;玩家可以完全地使用.;对于AI来说;他们将在弹药用尽并站立时使用
- Given their short range, their firers need to be well armoured and able to look after themselves in close combat. 由于手炮射程较短,因此士兵们必须装备精良盔甲,同时无法陷入激烈近身肉搏。
- Armed with a javelin and a shillelagh, the Deisi Javelinmen are just as effective at range as they are in close combat. 代希标枪兵装备标枪和橡木粗棍,无论远程投掷或近战厮杀都颇为出色。