- clonic perseveration 阵挛性持续动作
- To manifest or experience perseveration. 表现执拗,表现顽梗表现或感受执拗
- In blind error when I did persever. 我曾经走入迷途,不知返折。
- Clonic the sex on the room tachycardia symptom? 阵发性室上性心动过速症状?
- Standing on the crossing of life,perseveration determine the fate. 而第三次就是他成功当选了美国总统。
- The compound was tested for its antiseizure effect in mice with pentetrazole-induced clonic and tonic convulsion. 利用戊四氮诱发小鼠阵挛性、强直性惊厥观察复方酸枣仁油栀子油的抗惊厥作用;
- Bellyacke with in on the abdomen sees for how, serious person can show clonic angina. 腹痛以中上腹为多见,严重者可呈阵发性绞痛。
- Have a headache beginning is clonic, develop gradually for durative blunt painful. 头痛开始是阵发性的,逐渐发展为持续性钝痛。
- Apply to sex of premature beating, antrum tachycardia, clonic the sex on the room fine of tachycardia, atrium quivers. 适用于过早搏动、窦性心动过速、阵发性室上性心动过速、心房纤颤。
- But to persever in obstinate condelement is a course of impious stubbornness:it's unmanly grief. 但若是固执的哀悔,那便是拘泥了。
- Confidence,ambition,and determination and perseveration and so on,these factors are the reasons to make the final sucess. 2.;自信、雄心,加上决心和毅力等因素是造成最终的成功或失败的原因。
- But to persever in obstinate condelement is a course of impious stubbornness:it's unmanly grief.It shows a will most incorrect to heaven,a heart unfortifid,a mind inpatient. 但若是固执的哀悔,那便是拘泥了。那岂是男子汉的哀伤,这只是表示出拂逆天意,心地不坚,缺乏耐性。
- Lock of tetanic mandibular joint has commonly traumatic history, with flesh clonic convulsion and nervous sex systole are a feature. 破伤风牙关紧闭一般都有外伤史,以肌阵发性痉挛和紧张性收缩为特征。
- Early to room sex wrestle, clonic tachycardia reachs the sex on the room clonic atrium fine quivers to also have certain curative effect. 对房性早搏、阵发性室上性心动过速及阵发性心房纤颤也有一定疗效。
- About the expression of vulva Sao urticant disease: Become aware from subjective feeling for, sao itchs can be durative, also can be clonic, often night is aggravating. 有关外阴瘙痒症的表现:从主观感觉来说,瘙痒可以是持续性的,也可以是阵发性的,常常夜晚加重。
- With its total glucoside is treated premature beating, clonic fine of tachycardia, atrium quivers, pass clinical observation, show the effect is better. 用其总甙治疗过早搏动、阵发性心动过速、心房纤颤,通过临床观察,表明效果较好。
- Pure clonic seizures without facial involvement in term infants suggested favorable outcome, whereas generalized myoclonic seizures in preterm infants were associated with mortality. 足月儿不累及面部的单纯阵挛预后较好,而早产儿肌阵挛与死亡率相关。
- clonic spasm of pharyngeal muscle 咽肌阵挛
- spasm of pharyngeal muscle clonic 咽肌阵挛
- (1) is nightly clonic acuteness Sao is urticant. (1)夜间阵发性剧烈瘙痒。