- clock for check attendance 考勤钟
- He studied around the clock for his English exam. 他夜以继日地准备英语考试。
- I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a. m. 我一向把闹钟上到上午七点正。
- He studied around the clock for his history exam. 他日以继夜地准备历史考试。
- He has set his alarm clock for ten am. 他把闹钟拨到上午十点钟。
- I always set my alarm clock for exactly 6 a.m. 我一直把闹钟定在早晨六点整。
- I always set my alarm clock for exact 6 a.m. 我一直把闹钟定在早晨六点整。
- I set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock. 我把闹钟定在7点钟闹响。
- They studied around the clock for the final-exams. 为了期末考试,他们整日学习。
- I always set my alarm clock for exactly. 我一直把闹钟定到早晨六点。
- He studied round the clock for his history exam. 他夜以继日地学习, 应付历史考试。
- He set his alarm clock for four a.m. 他把闹钟设定在早晨4点。
- Receptionist can only make new key card for check in. 接待员只可以在客人入住时制作新的钥匙卡。
- Money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use. 存款为支付,节省,或经纪业而存起来的钱
- He studied round the clock for his TOEFL examinations. 他夜以继日地准备托福考试。
- To establish a responsibility system for check and acceptance of construction. 六是建立工程验收责任制。
- This new process has eliminated the need for checking the products by hand. 采用这种新方法无须再用手工检验产品。
- In fighting the flood, they worked hard around the clock for. 他们与洪水搏斗奋战了三天三夜。
- I had to study around the clock for my final exam last week. 为了期末考,上个星期我必须不分昼夜的读书。