- Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research and Mangment. 糖尿病视网膜病变的临床研究与治疗。
- The clinical research on the enlargement of application of MED. 后路显微椎间盘镜手术系统扩大运用的临床研究
- The laboratory and clinical research on cardiac arrest and resuscitation. 心搏骤停与复苏的实验和临床研究.
- Britain's clinical research is widely acknowledged to be in very bad shape. 英国临床研究状况不佳广为人知。
- The result of analogue test using this model coincides with that of clinical research. 模拟实验大部分结论与临床研究和动物实验的结果相一致。
- Participation of Children in Clinical Research: Factors that Influence a Parent's Decision to Consent Tait AR, et al. 临床研究中儿童的参与:影响父母对同意书作决定的因素。
- Welcome to attend "Project Management in Clinical Research", please fill your information. 欢迎您参加”临床研究项目管理研讨会”,请详细填写如下资料。
- Clinical research has shown that on average, smokers lives are three years shorter than non-smokers. 医学研究曾证明吸烟者的平均寿命比不吸烟的人士短三年。
- Clinical research of naloxone of different dosages in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. 不同剂量盐酸纳络酮治疗急性脑梗死的临床观察。
- Clinical research on occurrence of gastric cancer and infection of helieobacter pylori. 幽门螺杆菌感染与胃癌发生的临床研究。
- Does payment for participation in clinical research lead to haing more socioeconomically ulnerable subjects? 对于参加临床试验的受试者支付报酬会导致更多的在社会经济上易受伤害的受试者吗?
- The article will review pharmacologic action and clinical research progression of frequently used traditio... 现将孙教授防治胃癌转移复发临床常用中药的药理作用及临床研究进展作一综述。
- Does payment for participation in clinical research lead to having more socioeconomically vulnerable subjects? 对于参加临床试验的受试者支付报酬会导致更多的在社会经济上易受伤害的受试者吗?
- The pharmacological action,pharmacokinetics and clinical research of zoledronic acid are reviewe... 现综述唑来膦酸的药理作用、药动学和临床评价。
- Objective To summarize the available clinical research evidence on gliquidone for treating diabetes mellitus. 摘要目的对格列喹酮治疗糖尿病的相关临床研究证据进行综述。
- The nonparametric test is widely used in clinical research by its goodness of stability and adaptiveness. 其优点是不考虑总体分布,适应性强,稳定性好,在临床研究中使用较多;
- A highly effective, non-invasive treatment for hemorrhoids, as shownby published clinical research. 己公布的临床研究显示;一种高效的;不具侵害性的痔疮治疗方式.
- This paper summarizes the studies on anti-hepatic fibrosis effect of matrine in vitro,in vivo and in clinical research. 本文对近年来苦参碱抗肝纤维化体外、体内及临床研究进展进行了综述。
- Clinical research shown that 1g of phaseolamin 2250 is able to burn 500g of calories in carbohydrate. 只须餐前半个小时服用;无须激烈运动;简易的步骤;您就能安心;可靠减重.
- It undertakes clinical research of HER-2/neu for diagnosis of breast cancer in the past few years. 追踪国外肿瘤标志物的研究动态,应用分子生物学技术开展多项对临床有价值的肿瘤标志物的检测,用于临床的辅助诊断、定位、疗效监测及随访工作。