- The quality of teaching is the lifeline of clinical medicine education. 教学质量是临床医学教育的生命线。
- Non-directly affiliated hospital of medical school is a very important part in clinical medicine education. 医学院校的非直属附属医院是临床医学教育的重要组成部分。
- This paper discusses the great significance of database of multimedia fodders for clinical medicine education. 临床医学多媒体素材库的建设对于教学活动的开展及教学效果具有十分重要的意义。
- Discussion on the EBM System in Clinical Medicine Education 浅述在临床医学教育中引入循证医学思想
- Updates and Trends of Clinical Medicine. 医学动态与最新进展。
- Should clinical medicine learn to anatomize? 临床医学要学解剖吗?
- clinical medicine education 临床医学教育
- This journal is called Clinical Medicine. 这个期刊叫作《临床医学》。
- Chinese Medicine Education is the Foundation for Globalisation! 中医国际化,教育是根本!
- The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine. 临床生物医学应用于临床医学的自然科学原理,尤指生物学与生理学
- The hardcore of clinical medicine program education is to insist on improving the students practical capability. 临床医学专业学位教育的核心是坚持以提高临床实际能力为重点的全面素质培养。
- Clinical Medicine (This specialty can be taught in English. 临床医学(本专业科英文授课)
- Vasculature imaging plays significant role in clinical medicine. 血管系统成像在临床医疗过程中发挥着重要的作用。
- As a bridge connecting basic medicine and clinical medicine,pathophysiology is very important in medical education. 病理生理学作为连接基础医学与临床医学的桥梁性学科,在医学教育中具有重要地位。
- Here some suggestions are proposed from four aspects of improving the good development of doctorial students education of clinical medicine major. 就临床医学专业博士研究生教育中存在的问题提出四点建议,希望有利于其健康发展。
- The laboratory diagnostics is a key course in clinical medical education,it is also an important bridge between basic and clinical medicine. 实验诊断学是临床医学教育中的一门重要课程,是联系基础医学与临床医学的桥梁。
- Theory on rehabilitation medicine education infiltrates clinical specialities and brings about a great advance in promoting subject development throughly during clinical education. 临床教学时,将康复医学理论渗透到相关临床学科中去,对促进学科全面发展具有重要意义。
- Conclusion:The determine of E2P and PRL have benefit to the clinical medicine. 提示实验室E2、P、PRL结果有利于中医辨证分型及指导用药。
- Results:Pharmacoeconomics is the needs of the development of clinical medicine. 结果:药物经济学是临床医学发展的需要。
- This paper discusses on the relationship of the popular medicine education and elite education as well as how the features of education on elite is kept. 文章就大众化背景下高等医学教育大众化与精英教育的关系,以及如何保持精英教育的特征等问题进行了探讨。