- Let down a rope so that I can climb up. 放下绳子,让我爬上去。
- It is dangerous to climb up a steep slope. 攀登陡坡是危险的。
- The climb down was even harder than the climb up. 那一次下山比上山还艰难。
- Cats often find it easier to climb up a tree than to climb down. 猫爬树往往是爬上去比爬下来容易些。
- Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa? 你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?”
- Climb up the tree and chuck the apples down to me. 爬到树上去把苹果给我扔下来。
- It was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk. 他攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。
- It takes courage and strength to climb up the perpendicular cliff. 攀上这悬崖峭壁需要勇气和力量。
- The higher you climb up the mountain, the rarer the air is. 越往山上爬,空气越稀薄。
- We were exhausted by the climb up the hill. 我们因爬上那座小山而筋疲力竭。
- Henry will climb up the wall if he finds out you've been lying to him. 如果亨利发现你一直对他说谎,他会恼羞成怒。
- He climb up the tree and hide among the branch. 他爬上树,藏在树枝後面。
- Did you ever climb up the hill behind yur house? 你曾经爬上你房子后面的那座小山吗?
- Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk. 他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。
- She outfooted me in a climb up a hill. 在一次爬山中她比我走得快。
- He climbed up the ladder, but soon got down. 他爬上了梯子,但不久就下来了。
- The cat burglar must have climbed up that drainpipe. 飞贼一定是从排水管爬上去的。
- Her dad helped her climb up the hill. 她父亲搀着她爬上了这座小山。
- To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office. 为了攀爬上更高的等级,一些人晚上和周末也在办公室苦干。
- The road climb up to 1,000m above sea level. 这条路向上延伸至海拔1000米。