- climate policy models 气候政策模型
- The problem arises in how the climate policy interacts with the overall tax system. 气候政策与税收的整体体系之间的相互作用,也存在问题。
- Mike Hulme, a climate policy expert at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK, says that social effects are also unpredictable. 英国诺利奇东吉利大学的气候政策专家,迈克.;休姆表示,社会影响也难以预测。
- Tao Wang is core researcher of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research responsible for two projects that are related to energy and climate policy in China. 王韬博士是廷德尔气候变化研究中心的核心研究员,目前承担廷德尔中心两个与中国能源和气候政策相关的研究项目。
- Independent research centre associated with the University of Oslo, focussing on national and international issues related to climate change and climate policy. 与奥斯陆大学联合的独立研究中心,集中研究有关气候变化和气候政策的国家和国际问题。
- Therefore, correctly understanding of MWP is important to recognize global warming, and has key significance to the establishment of the climate policy too. 因此对MWP的认识对于人们深入认识当前全球变暖的性质和原因,具有十分重要的意义。
- But the German Association of the Automotive Industry, VDA, said January 22, that climate policy in the traffic sector must be cost-efficient and competition neutral. 然而,德国汽车工业协会(VDA)在1月22日曾强调,运输部门的遏制气候变迁政策,必须事先考虑到成本效益,以及竞争性的模糊地带。
- The system also constructs a policy model from mapping the analyzed churn attribute clusters to the retention policy ontology. 本模组可在判断潜在流失客户的价值后,藉由分析客户的特性,自动提供适当的保留策略来吸引高附加价值的客户。
- A data sharing and cooperative access control policy model aiming at the weakness of collaboration and self-security in DIDS(Distributed Intrusion Detection System) is presented. 针对分布式入侵检测系统(DIDS:Distributed Intrusion Detection System)面临的协作和自身安全问题,提出了一个分布式入侵检测系统和多组件入侵检测系统间的数据共享策略和合作访问控制策略模型。
- The security policy of security database management system provides the powerful security function to database. The model of BLP is one of common security policy model. 安全数据库管理系统的安全策略可以为数据库提供强大的安全功能,现在BLP模型是用得比较普遍的策略模型之一。
- The security policy of security database management system provides the powerful security function to database.The model of BLP is one of common security policy model. 安全数据库管理系统的安全策略可以为数据库提供强大的安全功能,现在BLP模型是用得比较普遍的策略模型之一。
- Effective action requires a global policy response, guided by a common international understanding of the long-term goals for climate policy and strong frameworks for co-operation. 采取有效行动需要全球性的决策响应,这是建立在各国对气候问题政策确定的长期目标和稳固合作框架的共识基础之上的。
- Conrad, K. and Schroder, M., 1993, “Choosing Environmental Policy Instruments Using General Equilibrium Models”, Journal of Policy Modeling 15(5?): 521-543. 经济部能源委员会编印,1998,中华民国八十六年台湾能源平衡表。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- They describe the IPCC's assumption that the majority of future emission reductions will occur spontaneously, in the absence of climate policies, as "optimistic at best and unachievable at worst". 这批作者们描述了IPCC假设在缺乏气候政策的情况下,将来的减排大部分将自然而然地发生,这种设想从最好的情形讲过于乐观,从最坏的情形来讲则无法实现。
- Members of environmentalist organisation "Greenpeace" with a modi-fied "climate swine" SUV with snout and ears to demonstrate against German climate policies outside the chancelery in Berlin. 11月5日,柏林,德国绿色和平组织成员给一辆SUV车戴上猪鼻子和猪耳朵在街头举行抗议。这项活动为抗议德国政府在限制汽车二氧化碳排放问题上的不作为。
- He has a constitution that defies any climate. 他有足以抵御任何气候的体格。
- Oats mainly grow in cool climate. 燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。
- What kind of climate do you have? 你们这里属于哪种气候?
- You will soon get accustomed to the climate here. 你会很快习惯这里的气候的。