- There was an error writing the client name. 写入客户端名出错。
- All deliveries MUST reference client name and Schwab account number. 所有交收必须列明客户姓名及嘉信理财帐户号码。
- Do you have a client named Peters? 你们有一位名叫彼得斯的客户吗?
- Remote session from client name %1 exceeded the maximum allowed failed logon attempts. The session was forcibly terminated. 来自客户端名%251的远程会话超出了所允许的失败登录最大次数。强行终止了会话。
- The client name is not valid. 客户端名无效。
- To be able to connect to these ISPs you need client names and passwords that pppd can supply to the peer on demand. 为了能连接上这些ISP,你需要用户名和密码以便让pppd在需要的时候能提供这些资料。
- Bern warned it might go as far as confiscating the data, should a US court in Miami rule the bank was obliged to transfer the client names requested. 瑞士政府警告称,如果美国迈阿密一家法庭裁定,瑞银有义务移交所要求的客户姓名,瑞方可能会没收相关材料。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- That brought discredit on his name. 那件事使他的名誉受损。
- His name has becomea byword for cruelty. 他的名字成了残酷无情的别称。
- It is how laughable to this name of dog! 给狗起这个名字多可笑!
- I couldn't summon up his name at the moment. 此时我无论如何想不起他的名字了。
- The lawyer spoke on behalf of his client. 律师代表当事人说话。
- I am at friendship hotel. My name is Wang Tao. 我在友谊宾馆,我是王涛。
- The teacher tick off a name on a list. 老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
- The soldier's name was a byword for bravery. 那个战士的名字是勇敢的代名词。
- Foreign states would have to provide clients' names and some evidence of wrongdoing before getting information on them. 外国政府必须先提供客户的姓名和犯罪的证据,才能在瑞银获得客户的资料。
- My name is down on the panel of jurors. 我的名字已列入陪审员名单。
- His name leapt out at me from the newspaper. 报纸上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。