- I've asked the children to clear out their drawers. 我已告诉孩子们把他们的抽屉清理一下。
- They are after you, you might as well clear out. 他们正追你,你还是离开的好。
- Clear out yesterday's cinders before you make the fire. 生火前先把昨天的炉渣清除干净。
- Please clear out the things in the cupboard. 请把碗橱里的东西拿走。
- Our old stock has been entirely cleared out. 我们旧的存货已全部出清。
- I'll clear out my room completely. 我要把房间彻底打扫一下。
- I'll clear out that closet for you. 我要替你把那个小衣橱清理出来。
- The cop told the boys to clear out. 警察叫那些男孩子走开。
- He cleared out before the police arrived. 警察尚未来到,他就急忙溜掉了。
- He was cleared out of the office by force. 他被强行赶出办公室。
- The cop thold the boys to clear out. 警察让那些孩子走开。
- The police are after you,you'd better clear out! 警察在追踪你,你最好溜吧!
- We need everyone to clear out of the area. 我需要所有人都撤出那片区域。
- You must clear out the things in the cupboard. 你必须把壁橱里的东西清除一空。
- Clear out the things in the cupboard, please. 请把碗柜腾出来。
- Clear out things in this cupboard, please. 请把这个碗橱里的东西都清除掉。
- Clear out the cupboards and throw them out. 清理你的橱柜,把它们通通丢出去。
- This Java tip implements Zoom in and zoom out feature on an Image (Image Zoomer). This may also be useful for custom (译):此Java提示执行in和zoom out功能图像(图像Zoomer ) 。
- "I'm clear out," he said to Carrie one afternoon. “我是一文不名了,”一天下午,他对嘉莉说。
- She cleared out all her old clothes from the closet. 她把她所有的旧衣服从壁橱里拿出来。