- clear the leaves from the lawn; Clear snow from the road. 扫除草坪上的叶子;清除路上的雪。
- clear the leaves from the lawn 扫除草坪上的叶子
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- The insects have stripped all the leaves from the crops. 虫子把庄稼的叶子都啃光了。
- It extends the leaves from the stems so that they can get more sunlight. 它把叶子从茎上延伸出去,以便它们能得到更多的阳光。
- The giraffe eats tender leaf from the tree highly. 长颈鹿从高高的树上吃掉嫩树叶子。
- They said pregnant horses may have gotten the cyanide by eating the leaves from the cherry trees or the caterpillars. 他们说怀孕的马匹有可能食用了樱桃树叶或毛虫而获得了氰化物。
- Water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose. 水从管子的破损处滴到草地上。
- Spring, a small article, from the leaves from the branches drilled, the flexible down, Uygur and more like a small girl pigtail. 春天,一条条瘦小、白嫩的枝条从叶从钻出中,柔韧下垂,多像维吾尔族姑娘的小辨子。
- Please clear the ashes from the fireplace. 请清除壁炉的灰。
- Sharp October winds were sweeping the leaves from the limes in the long avenue, and driving them in withered heaps with a ghostly rustling noise along the dry gravel walks. 十月刺骨的寒风,从长长林荫道的菩提树上刮下树叶来,把它们叠成枯萎的一堆又一堆,又沿着干燥的砾石路把它们席卷而去,发出一种阴森森的萧萧飒飒的声音。
- Clear the snow from the pavement. 清除人行道上的积雪。
- She cleared the leftovers from the table. 她清掉桌上的剩饭剩菜。
- In autumn the leaves fall down from the trees. 秋天树叶从树上掉下来。
- He was pulling up the weeds from the lawn. 他正在草坪里拔杂草。
- Finally, it utilizes the bimodal law to cut apart the leaves from the background and by OSTU law to cut apart normal part from disease part of leaves. 利用双峰法从背景中分割出有效分析叶片部分,利用OSTU法将叶片正常部位与病态部位分割出来。
- The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. 风把落叶从地上刮得飘了起来。
- The wind whipped several leaves from the tree. 风刮掉了几片树叶。
- Stay back from the lawn mower! This is dangerous. Stay back ! 与割草机保持一段距离!这样很危险.;别靠过来!
- We have to clear the snow from the driveway. 我们得把雪从车道上清除出去。