- She won the election by a clear majority. 她以明显的多数赢得选举。
- The bill was passed by a clear majority of 10. 那项法案以净多10票获得通过。
- A clear majority of voters were in favour of the motion. 绝大多数选民赞成这一动议。
- Democrats captured a clear majority in the house in Tuesday's elections. 民主党在周二的选举中已经获得了众议院的大多数席位
- When there is no clear majority, the resulting decision is called a plurality opinion. 当没有绝对半数通过时,判决结果称之为多数意见。
- And people invested in that hope by voting the Barisan Nasional back into power with a clear majority. 还有,大多数人很明显地把选票投资在国政以让他们得回力量。
- A clear majority of researchers voted for the new definition at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague, in the Czech Republic. 在布拉格的召开的国际天文联合会会议上,有明显多数的研究者投票支持这一新规则。
- In 14 of 23 countries, clear majorities favor the idea. 在23个国家中14个明确的多数赞成这一想法。
- But the Maoists, proscribed by America as terrorists, were on course for a clear majority in the first tranche, with 119 seats out of 224. 但是,一直被美国视为恐怖组织的毛派,在直接选举产生的代表中占明显多数,获得224席中的119席。
- The Awami League, led by former prime minister Sheik Hasina, has gained a clear majority of the parliamentary seats in Bangladesh's election. 孟加拉国前总理谢赫.;哈西娜领导的人民联盟在议会选举中赢得明显多数席位。
- A clear majority of researchers voted for the new definition at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union( IAU) in Prague, in the Czech Republic. 在布拉格的召开的国际天文联合会会议上,有明显多数的研究者投票支持这一新规则。
- The president won a clear majority of the vote (the first time anyone has done that since his own father in 1988, albeit thanks to the lack of any serious third-party candidate). 布什总统赢得了绝大多数选票,这是自1988年他的父亲(美国第51任总统乔治·布什)以绝对优势取胜以来,首次有人做到这一点,虽然这要归功于此次大选缺少有威胁的第三党候选人。
- At present this is, of course, Labour.Occasionally situations arise after elections in which no single party has a clear majority in Parliament and there may then be bargaining between the parties. 有时选举后会没有一个政党在议会中的席位占压倒性多数,这时候就会在政党间开始交涉。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。
- The meeting carried the motion by a large majority. 会议以多数通过了这项提议。
- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane. 不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。
- The age of majority is eighteen. 成年的法定年龄是18岁。
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车明显在工艺技术上是可行的。