- We need everyone to clear out of the area. 我需要所有人都撤出那片区域。
- He was cleared out of the office by force. 他被强行赶出办公室。
- They threatened to read me out of the party. 他们威胁我要把我开除出党。
- Tom was cleared out of the inn,bag and baggage. 汤姆连同他随身带的行李一起被赶出了旅社。
- Tom was cleared out of the inn, bag and baggage. 汤姆连同他随身带的行李一起被赶出了旅社。
- A few of the tiles were clearly out of alignment. 有几片瓦明显出格了。
- We were clear out of the ship; but not yet ashore in our stockade. 我们已经脱离了大船上的危险,但我们还没有上岸到达木寨。
- We voted to pay for the party out of the club treasury. 我们议决宴会费用由会中公款开支。
- Jones has fallen out of favour with the party leadership. 琼斯失去了那个政党领导层的欢心。
- They were pitched out of the party for saying something so rode. 由于说了一些粗鲁的话,他们被逐出晚会。
- We need to clear out of the room, so they can prepare for the next event. 我们得赶快从房间里面撤出去,以便他们准备下一个活动。
- How can I get him out of going to the party? 我怎样才能让他不去聚会?
- As soon as you hear the fire alarm. You need to clear out of the building. 你一听见报火器响,就得撤离这间大楼。
- He has got a lot of mileage out of the shoes. 他已将那双鞋穿够了本钱。
- His remarks at the party were out of time. 他在晚会上的讲话不当。
- We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else. 我们参加那个聚会是迫於人情,而并无别的原因。
- And so with a mighty whack of the tail he jumped clear out of the water onto the bank. 于是,随着鱼尾巴强有力的一拍,他跃出了水面。
- She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm. 她冲出屋子走进了狂卷着的暴风雪中。
- The former leader was read out of the party after his guilt was proved. 前领导在其罪行得到证实后被驱逐出党。
- All the goodness has been boiled out of the vegetables. 这些蔬菜的营养成分全部都给煮掉了。