- In front of you, why is my performance incisively and vividly merry ? Why is my voice clear and loud in ecstasiesly? Under the light, my beautiful such shadow has stayed ? 在你面前,我的表演为什么酣畅得淋漓尽致?我的歌喉为什么嘹亮得如醉如痴?灯光下,有没有留下我美丽的倩影?
- All the people I saw along the seaside were have swarthy skin and loud voice;they were different from the other people I saw before. 在海边见到的男女老少,皮肤黝黑,嗓门粗大,嘿嘿,和我以前见到的人都不太一样。
- Suddenly a lark flies up and sings gayly,followed by thousands of his companions.They performed a clear and loud concert high up in the air. 突然,一只百灵鸟腾空而起,后面跟着一大群同伴,他们高兴地唱歌,在半空中组成了一个大型音乐会。
- He's an army sergeant. he needs a loud voice. 他是个好军人。他需要有大嗓门。
- He had a red face and a loud voice and jolly ways. 他红脸膛儿,大嗓门,一天到晚乐呵呵的。
- A loud voice cut into their discussion. 一个很响的嗓音突然插进到他们的讨论中去。
- Become more profound and more clear and loud 变得更为厚重,清晰和洪亮
- The soprano's voice sounded clear and sweet. 那女高音歌手的嗓音响亮而动听。
- Surely there wasn't a negro on earth as tall and loud voiced as this one except Big Sam, the foreman of Tara. 她相信世界上除了塔拉农场的工头大个儿萨姆之外,没有哪个黑人有这么高的身材和这么响亮的嗓子。
- There are footsteps and loud voices;- a tumult;- a drunken brawl;- an alarm of fire;- then silence again. 耳边可以听到脚步声和响亮的说话声;-一阵喧闹;-一阵酒醉后的吵嚷声;-一阵火灾的报警声;-接着,寂静如初。
- The voice on the phone was clear and strong. 电话上的声音清晰洪亮。
- There are footsteps and loud voices; - a tumult; - a drunken brawl; - an alarm of fire; - then silence again. 耳边可以听到脚步声和响亮的说话声;-一阵喧闹;-一阵酒醉后的吵嚷声;-一阵火灾的报警声;-接着,寂静如初。
- The night was clear and the stars were out. 夜空晴朗,星星都出来了。
- And the English song in a loud voice? 第一次高声地唱出的那首英文歌吗?
- Her voice is so clear and sharp. 她的声音可真脆生!
- He expressed his thoughts in clear and fitting language. 他用明白恰当的语言来表达他的思想。
- SPEAK UP clearly and loudly to be heard from the back of the theater. 说话方式请清楚,大声,好让坐剧场最后一排的人员都可听到。
- Not ambiguous; clear and obvious. 不模糊的; 清晰的和明了的
- The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。
- She twisted her face in surprise and said in a very loud voice. 她的惊讶地大声说