- Leather made from crocodile skin. 鳄鱼皮革用鳄鱼皮做成的皮革
- However,discharging pollution is unavoidable in leather making,and so clean production is the ultimate goal in leather industry. 由于制革过程中的排污是无法避免的,制革清洁化已成为制革工业发展的必然趋势。
- Leather made from the hide of the African and Asian ruminant. 羚皮革非洲、亚洲的羚羊皮做的皮革
- cleaned leather making 清洁生产
- Soft leather made from sheepskin, used especially for gloves. 羊羔皮革用绵羊皮制成的柔软皮革,尤其用来制作手套
- Leather made from the skin of a pig. 猪皮革用猪皮做的皮革
- Fine leather made from the hide of a calf. 牛皮革由小牛生皮制成的精致皮革
- Leather made from the hide of a horse. 马革用马的生皮制成的革
- Soft leather made from the skin of a young goat. 小山羊革小山羊的皮做成的软皮革
- Leather made from the skin of a young goat;kidskin. 小山羊革小山羊的皮制成的革
- Leather made from the dressed hide of a lamb. 羔皮革由这种穿着用的羊羔皮制成的皮革
- Leather made from the hide of a deer. 鹿皮革鹿皮制成的皮革
- Leather made from the skin of one of these snakes. 眼镜蛇皮革:由这些蛇之一的皮制成的皮革。
- This paper refers to 34 articls and presents the shortage of many new materials used in clean leather process including antiseptic,tanning agents,some auxiliary agents and so on. 该文参考了34篇文献,提出了我国目前缺少并希望能尽快研制开发的新型制革化学品,包括防腐剂、制革专用鞣剂和助剂等。
- The leather made from this hide. 牛皮革用牛皮制成的皮革
- Their effect as dying auxiliaries, fat-liquoring and retanning etc in leather making are in-troduced. 本文着重介绍了这些两性表面活性剂的制备方法,及其作力染色助剂、加脂剂、复鞣剂等在制革中的应用。
- Leather making is an important human activity in utilizing reproducible natural resources. 摘要制革是人类利用天然可再生资源的重要活动。
- The application and particularity of zirconium during leather making process are summarized and prospected. 对锆盐的特性以及其在皮革生产过程中的应用进行了综述和展望。
- Soft leather made from sheepskin,used especially for gloves. 羊羔皮革用绵羊皮制成的柔软皮革,尤其用来制作手套
- Leather made from the hide of one of these reptiles. 短吻鳄鳄鱼皮由鳄鱼皮制成的皮革