- clay warrior in armour 铠甲俑
- Her blow would have cut a lesser warrior in half. 她的攻击应该可以把一个低等战士劈成两半。
- Master PK warrior in two phases to resolve! 法师PK武士分两个阶段来解析!
- A hog in armour is still a hog . 猪穿甲胄仍是猪。
- Bulletproof cars sheathed in armour. 防弹车护有装甲。
- clay warrior in battle robe 战袍俑
- A hog in armour is still a hog. 猪穿甲胄仍是猪。
- The scientist is a constant warrior in chasing truth in physical science. 在物理学研究领域,那位科学家是为了追寻真理而不屈不挠的勇士。
- Wylie is a lazy engineer.Landry is a Sergeant specialising in Armour. 说明:本游戏版权归作者所有。
- Your men will fall by the sword, your warriors in battle. 你的男丁,必倒在刀下,你的勇士,必死在阵上。
- A warrior in the Israelite army, he is first mentioned as victor over the Philistines at Geba. 以色列军人,初次被提到是他在格巴战胜非利士人。
- But first we must create a reserve Corps, mobile and strong in armour, which we will train out of the line. 但是,首先咱们必须成立一支机动的、配备精良装甲车辆的后备部队,这支部队要在离开前线的地方训练。
- A beautiful love story about a white woman who gives up everything to share her life with a black Masai warrior in the Kenyian bush land. 影片改编自同名畅销书,记叙了一名挪威女子在肯尼亚旅行时因爱上一名马赛族武士而嫁入其部落的经历。可以体会到土著部落与现代都市生活有着巨大差异的共存。
- Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes. 前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。
- The citizen served as warrior in youth, ruler in his maturity, priest in his old age. 这个市民年青时期当战士,壮年时期当统治者,到了老年就当僧侣了。
- But he did not carry his finery like a hog in armour, as an Englishman so often does when an Englishman stoops to be fine. 英国人迫不得已穿上华美服装,看起来总有些别扭,但他却不是这个样子。
- Gerk Slaygrim was the stongest and bravest warrior in Rockfall, a horde of the savage. 葛克.杀残是石雨部落,一个野蛮部族最强壮且最勇敢的战士。
- His body was encased in shining armour. 他全身披着明幌幌的甲胄。
- Theseus : Come forward. Let us finally see who is the greatest warrior in all of Greece. 忒修斯:来吧,让我们通过决斗来证明谁才是全希腊最伟大的战士。
- The fighters were dressed in armour and rode large Flemish horses which needed a lot of exercise. 士兵们都全副武装骑着训练有素的佛兰芒大战马进行格斗。