- Our machine-guns moved down the advancing lines of enemy infantrymen. 我们的机枪扫倒了向前推进的一排排敌人的步兵。
- A clause of a document, such as a bill or charter. 条款文件中的条款,例如一个议案或者是一个章节
- The army penetrated the territory of enemy. 部队进入敌人领土。
- We may put it in the clause of the contract. 我们可以这样写进合同的条款。
- Our machine-guns mowed down the advancing lines of enemy infantrymen. 我们的机枪扫倒了向前推进的一排排敌人的步兵。
- WITH OID clause of the typed view. 类型化视图的WITH OID子句。
- We soon finished off the remnants of enemy forces . 我们很快就消灭了残余的敌军。
- Length of the type clause of the typed view. 类型化视图的类型子句的长度。
- AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates. 电脑AI不会在敌人城门外展开。
- CARGO CLAUSE OF P.I.C.C.DATED JAN.1ST,1981. 所保货物,如遇出险,本公司凭本保险单及其他有关证件给付赔款。
- They are watching the move of enemy. 他们在监视敌人的行动。
- No invasion of enemy territory is ever undertaken. 对敌国领土也从来没有进犯过。
- Our machineguns mowed down the advancing lines of enemy infantry men. 我们的机枪扫倒了向前推进的一排排敌方步兵。
- Our Navy kept the seas clear of enemy vessels. 我们的海军保持海面畅通免受敌舰威胁。
- How will the clause of inspection be stipulated in the contract? 检验条款合同中应如何规定?
- The city is in the control of enemy forces. 那座城市现处于敌军的控制之下。
- The third clause of the contract specifies when the payments are due. 合同第三款规定了付款的时间。
- We are now within range of enemy fire. 我们现在处于敌人的火力射程以内。
- We soon finished off the remnants of enemy forces. 我们很快就消灭了残余的敌军。
- Decreases morale of enemy creatures by -2. 敌人部队士气-2。