- A chemically precipitated substance that binds particles of clastic rocks. 结合沉淀物使碎屑岩的微料结合起来的一种化学沉淀物
- It is a set of shallow-bathyal deposits of carbonate and clastic rocks. 重点对三级旋回层序的层序界面性质及其体系域特点进行了深入、细致的分析。
- Carbonate and fine clastic rocks is its block, and siltstone is its matrix. 岩块由灰岩和细碎屑岩组成,基质为粉砂岩。
- Is kidney stone course returns after clastic rock operation painful how to do? 得肾结石经过碎石手术后还痛怎么办?
- Aim To study the secondary porosity in the clastic rock storage of Ordos Basin. 摘要目的研究鄂尔多斯盆地碎屑岩储集体中的次生孔隙。
- The clastic rocks widespread in the Triassic Xikang Group in western Sichuan consist dominantly of turbiditic flysch formations. 摘要三叠系西康群碎屑岩主体为一套浊积岩复理石建造。
- According to the composition of coarse clastic rocks from the section, 4 types of conglomerates could be classified. 分析了粗碎屑岩的组成,将该剖面上出露的砾岩分成4类。
- The formation of authigenic clay minoral is related to clastic components of clastic rocks. 自生粘土矿物的形成与碎屑岩的碎屑组分有着密切的关系;
- Clastic rocks are composed of individual fragments of mineral or rock. The fragments may range in size from huge boulders to microscopic particles. 碎屑岩是由岩石和矿物碎屑的单体组合而成,这些碎屑物质的粒度可以是巨大的确石到微细的颗粒。
- The major components of the reservoir clastic rocks are fragmental materials of tuff and extrusive rock. 储集层在成岩过程中的主要成岩变化为机械压实作用、水化水解作用和胶结作用。
- The Post-salt Sediment Group formed (Upper Permian to Quaternary) is composed mainly of clastic rocks, with carbonates locally. 晚二叠世以后形成的盐上层系沉积,主要??碎屑岩,在局部地区有碳酸盐岩。
- Xujiashan gold orefield,located in the Silurian Carboniferous clastic rocks,has been newly discovered recently in Southeastern Hubei Province. 鄂东南徐家山金矿田产于志留系(含碳)碎屑岩地层中。
- The clastic rocks of investigative area mainly developed in shoreside and shallow lake.The microfacies mainly included beach and bar. 研究层段主要发育于滨浅湖亚环境,形成的微相以滩坝微相为主。
- The sedimentary copper deposits in Silurian System in North Qilian area,Gansu Province,occur in red and green clastic rocks. 甘肃北祁连山志留系沉积岩铜矿产于红绿交替碎屑岩系中,矿体产在志留系旱峡组灰绿色砂岩层的底部,具有明显的层控特征。
- Modified by tectonics,the clastic rocks became the better reservoir of oil and gas with its high porosity and permeability in the Tula Basin. 构造作用使得岩石中裂隙发育,提高了岩石孔渗性,极大地改善了岩石的储集性能,形成了较好的储层。
- The Tongbomiao Formation consists of pyroclastic, volcanic-sedimentary and terrigenous clastic rocks in Beier sag, Hailaer Basin. 摘要海拉尔盆地贝尔凹陷铜钵庙组发育一套火山碎屑岩类、火山-沉积岩类和少量的陆源碎屑岩岩石组合。
- The infilling time of CO2 and variation of partical pressure of CO2 during infilling process can be determined from dawsonite-bearing clastic rocks. 在含片钠铝石碎屑岩中可以解读出CO2充注的时间和CO2分压的变化。
- During the fault activities,the clastic rocks in fault belt and the volcanic rocks are the migration path.During the quiet perio... 在断裂活动期,碎屑岩和火山岩断裂带都可以作为油气运移的通道,在断裂平静期,火山岩断裂带可以作为油气运移的通道,碎屑岩断裂带对油气起封闭作用。
- Clastic rocks of Shaximiao gas reservoir in Pingluoba gas field have the characteristics of low permeability and super compactedness. 平落坝气田沙溪庙气藏碎屑岩具有低渗透、超致密的特性。