- Conclusions PFGE can be used to classify and identify Brucella and it is a useful supplementary method for traditional typing method of Brucella. 结论PFGE方法可用于布鲁菌的基因分型的研究,是对传统分型方法一种较好的补充。
- Methods The epizoite insects from the small animals captured in the plague foci were collected, and then classify and identify them respectively. 方法结合对该地区鼠疫疫源地的调查和监测工作,对捕获的小型兽类进行体外寄生虫采集,对蚤、蜱、虱标本分类鉴定,将部分标本送实验室做鼠疫细菌学培养。
- The main contents and conclusions of this paper are induced as follows:(1) The Specialist Classify and Identify System (SCIS) aided by Geography Information System (GIS) can be well applied to classify the TM images of mixed forest. 本研究的主要内容和结论归纳如下: (1) GIS辅助的专家分类识别系统是比较好的应用于针阔混交林TM遥感图像的自动分类技术。
- There exiss some differences among several common Monascus fungi in supermicro-morphologic characters including hypha, conidium, cleistothecium, ascospores and so on, which serve as deposing the evidences to classify and identify Monascus fungi. 不同种红??之间在菌丝、分生孢子、闭囊壳和子囊孢子等超显微特徵方面存在一定的差异,据此可对红??进行区分和鉴别。
- Please sort out, classify and file these documents. 请你把这些文件整理归类,分别存档。
- Mark and identify all locks using. 标记和识别所有锁。
- They must be easy to find and identify. 它们必须容易找到和识别。
- Arbitrary optional analysis and identifi. 任意多个可选择的分析和识别模型。
- The specimens have been classified and mounted. 标本已分类并固定在标本架上。
- Language helps us to classify and put things in categories. 语言有助于将各类问题区别分类。
- Methods Classify and count 179 children mastopathy cases. 方法对179例儿童乳腺疾病进行分类、统计。
- Molecular markers could be used for classifying and identifying the germplasms of Actinidia, as well as for breeding of fine varieties. 分子标记可用于猕猴桃种质资源的分类、鉴定及良种选育。
- They,in turn,are loyal and identify with the company's goals. 相应地,他们忠诚于老板,认同公司的目标。
- Results:Classified and identified the thoracolumbar vertebral injuries based on their image characters and regularity easily and rapidly. 结果:根据骨折影像学的特点能够迅速而简明的做出临床分类。
- Objective: To clone, express and identify human SRG gene. 目的克隆SRG基因、原核表达并鉴定。
- Sage 750 +6 to Identify Item and Identify Monster skills. 贤哲750+6的物品鉴定技能和怪物鉴定技能。
- Investigate and identify target MSP to empanel by location. 全面负责分公司日常运营的管理;
- Initiate and identify sales leads ? lead generation. 发展并联系潜在业务合作伙伴。
- To observe and identify birds in their natural surroundings. 在自然界观察和辨认鸟
- Objective: To isolate and identify pronuciferine monomer. 目的:分离及鉴定前荷叶碱单体。