- The chairmen wrote many classic poetry, which are very popular among people. 主席写了许多古典诗词,这些诗词受到人们的喜爱。
- Wilson: Fourth circle of Hell. Charting goes a lot faster when you eliminate all classic poetry. 你说的那是第四层地狱。你有空读这些经典诗集的时候,病例又增加了很多。
- Chinese classic poetry has exerted impacts on Imagism in terms of both philosophic thought and image-creating. 中国古典诗歌无论是在哲学思想还是意象创造上都对意象派产生过深刻的影响。
- A study of Lu Xun's classical poetry. 鲁迅旧体诗研究。
- The images of crow in Chinese classic poetry can be classified to three types: folklore, history and myth image. 中国古典诗歌中的乌鸦意象从类型上可分为世俗意象、历史意象和神话意象;
- Crow is a peculiar aesthetic image in Chinese classic poetry because of its distinctive cultural implication. 摘要乌鸦以其独特的文化意蕴成为中国古典诗歌中一种奇特的美学意象。
- He is entitled the pioneer of Imagist and Vortisist, the inventor of Chinese classic poetry and the preacher of Chinese Confucianism. 除诗歌外,他还从事评论,视觉艺术,音乐,政治,经济以及翻译活动。
- The rich images, jumping time and space, punning language, alterative lyrics and atmosphere in his novel are permeated with Chinese classic poetry. 白先勇小说中意象的丰富、时空的跳跃、语言的双关、情韵的跌荡和氛围的营造,在在洋溢着中国古典诗词般的意境。
- There is profound implication in Chinese classical poetry. 摘要古典诗歌富有深厚的意蕴美。
- February in 2004, "The whole Taiwanese Classical Poetry" was published. 2004年2月“全台诗搜集整理编辑出版计划”,出版第一阶段成果《全台诗》一至五册。
- In Chinese classical poetry,the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods. 叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事、状物、摹声。
- Chairman Mao wrote lots of classic poetries which took people's fancy . 毛泽东主席写了许多古典诗词,这些诗词受到人们的喜爱。
- President Mao wrote a lot of classic poetries which are welcomed by people. 4毛主席写了许多古典诗词,这些诗词受到人们的喜爱。
- Reestablish Aesthetic Imagery in Classic Poetry 古典诗歌审美意象的建构与重建
- "Flavor",as the core of Chinese classical Shilun,is a classical poetry theory with distinct national features. “味”是中国古典诗论的核心范畴,是富有鲜明民族特色的古典诗歌理论。
- First, jing Literary School's imagery is different from Chinese classical poetry and the Western imagism. 京派意象是中国传统诗艺与西方象征主义、意象派等诗学思潮相融合的产物。
- The author says the classics,classical poetry in particular,are best words in the best order. 作者认为经典作品,尤其是古典诗词,应该是写得最好,又安排得最好的文字。
- This thesis aims at demonstrating the falsehood of the untranslatable quality of ancient Chinese classical poetry. 摘要论证中外学者大量的诗歌翻译实践中表明“诗歌不可译”之类的看法实属片面。
- Modern image is used by New Moon School to deconstruct the image pattern of classical poetry. 新月派现代意象的营造对古典诗歌意象模式的解构。