- classic Chinese verse 中国古典诗词
- A Survey of the Aesthetic Taste in the Rules and Forms of Classical Chinese Verse 中国韵文格律美趣概论
- Timi sang songs from classic Chinese opera dramas. 黄梅调戏经典 (Huang Mei Diao classic drama) - 卓依婷唱黄梅调的歌曲。
- It is a collection of the most exquisite rendering of ancient Chinese verse. 这里面汇集了中国古诗文的翻译精品。
- Nothing interests her more than classic Chinese music. 她最着迷于中国古典音乐。
- In his Chinese verse the words "x ray" and "energy" were printed in English script, giving the requisite touch of exoticism to the flamboyantly personal message. 在这首诗里,郭沫若运用X和energy两个英文字,为他夸张的语句增添异国风情。
- It stands out among classical Chinese gardens. 可它是中国古典园林中的佼佼者。
- Porcelain works with twistable glaze and body are two classic Chinese decorated given to them. 绞胎瓷与绞釉瓷是我国古代陶瓷装饰中两种不同的特殊产品。
- He has composed several poems in classical Chinese. 他用文言文写过几首古诗。
- COM essentialism COM absolute classic Chinese version PDF learning materials and valuable for collection. COM本质论绝对经典的COM学习资料中文版PDF极具收藏价值。
- Deriving from the prizewinning translation of the Chinese verse "East or West, Guilin landscape is best", this paper discusses translation as being an invention, technique as well as art. 摘要本文从名句“桂林山水甲天下”的获奖译文谈到“翻译是创造,是技术也是艺术”。
- The motifs are classic Chinese ones that are variations on themes that go all the way back to Zhou dynasty bronzes. 图案是典型的中国式,以周朝青铜器上的图案为远祖。
- In this 20-part television series based on a classic Chinese fable, Lien is a fish spirit living in the fantasia world. 小莲和她母亲银花是魔幻中修练鲤鱼精,她们寄住在宰相金宠府邸后园的一个池塘中。
- The classical Chinese poetry paid much attention to implication. 中国古诗非常注重言外之意。
- Many screen versions have been made of this classic Chinese love story, but auteur Li Han-hsiang's version is the most popular of them all. 影片以为人熟悉之唐明皇迷恋杨贵妃,而痛失江山的历史作骨干,加入杨国忠及高力士等大反派,除加强本身之戏剧性外,更反映无能者治国,百姓受苦的惨况,令人看得格外投入。
- The concept of organic wholeness reflects the application of classic Chinese materialism and dialectics in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. 整体观念是古代唯物论和辩证法思想在中医学中的体现。
- Classic Chinese novels are a treasurehouse of knowledge and the knowledge source from where we can always draw our references. 文言小说是一座知识的宝库,是我们取之不尽的知识源泉。
- Journal of Chinese Verse Studies 中国韵文学刊
- The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry. 唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。
- Selected Readings in Chinese Verse 韵文选读