- clappered siamese 单向阀瓣式集水器
- Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways. 泰国猫在某些方面相当象狗。
- Why did the Siamese twins move to England? 为什么一对联体孪生子要移民英格兰?
- Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat? 他肩膀上的那只桫椤猫是谁运来的?
- Our cats are Siamese cats; they're both female. 我们的猫是暹罗猫;两只都是母的。
- If not damaged gently close the clapper. 如果没有损坏,则轻轻地关闭阀瓣。
- The siamese twins were not considered separable. 这对联体双胞胎被认为无法分开。
- I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats . 我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。
- Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points. 有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。
- You installed a clapper?- No, but catchy jingle, isn't it? 你装了声控装置?-没有,不过那首广告曲很好玩对吧?
- Siamese fighting fish are available in a wide range of colors. 暹罗斗鱼的体色各式各样,选择面极广。
- With time elapsing, the flaps collapse up on his clapper's lap. 随着时间流逝,袋盖在拍手者的膝上堆叠起来。
- The part of a bell against which the clapper strikes. 铃舌震动的铃的部分零件。
- By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy. 邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。
- Inspect seats and clapper sealing surfaces. (See page 6. 检查阀座和阀瓣密封面。(参阅第6页。)
- Clapper talk between two people is one type of clapper talk. 对口快板儿是快板的一种形式,由两个人共同表演。
- The hospital decided to perform a separation operation on the Siamese twins. 医院决定对这对连体婴儿作分离手术。
- Remove through access port with back of clapper first with spring end down. 首先通过检修口拆卸阀瓣的后面及其弹簧末端。
- The cat is a mixture of Persian and Siamese and has one brown eye and one blue. 这只猫是波斯猫与暹罗猫的混血,一只眼睛是棕色的,另一只眼睛是蓝色的。
- During compression, the clapper will slowly move up, away from the seat. 在压缩时,阀瓣将慢慢上移,离开阀座。